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☆ 115. Chapter 113

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113 After the Spring Festival, everything recovered, and the beasts in the plains and forests also returned.

The tribe departments were busy again, and the expedition set out again.

Last winter, except for the expedition led by Shui Shui, the other teams failed to bring back the orcs of the other tribes, leaving only the supplies behind.

Now that spring is on, they can't convince the orcs anymore that they need to set out again to find new resources.

And the soldiers of the hunting team of the military department spent a few days hunting most of the animals that had been raised in the south for a winter and were fat and strong.

After bringing it back, it is handed over to the food factory to make smoked meat, bacon, jerky and other meat products that are easy to preserve.

In fact, the number of animals on the plains has gradually decreased over the years, after all, there is such a large city on the plains, and all the orcs live in it.

Hundreds of thousands of orcs are still cultivating the exercises, and the aura of this city is getting stronger and stronger day by day, and the power is shaking the sky.

Although the animals don't have much intelligence, their instincts also know that this place is extremely dangerous, and they don't dare to approach this side of Liuli City when they are idle.

Thousands of years of migration Xi were broken by the rise of Liuli City, and these beasts only dared to appear a few hundred kilometers away from Liuli City, that is, the original orc market.

Some simply live in the south, and they don't dare to come back, after all, it's really dangerous here.

The hunting team cleaned up the flooded herd, and they all set up flying machines and ran to the orc market to hunt.

There is too much spiritual energy on the orc continent, so that the beasts can't kill endlessly, and if they keep letting it go, the plains and forests will have to be emptied.

So even if the breeding department can now provide enough meat for the tribe, the hunting team still has to make this trip.

According to biology textbooks, this is called maintaining biological balance.

When the hunting team was hunting outside, Ah Yue was finally born.

She realized that she was going to give birth on the day she was going to be born, and she was listening to the work reports of several subordinates in the logistics department at home, and eating noodles while listening.

She felt a stomachache while eating, she knew that she was probably going to give birth, so she asked a few subordinates to send her to the nearest hospital very calmly.

After being sent to the delivery room, one of the few small managers ran to inform Ali, Lu Qizhou, and Doudou.

When Lu Qizhou and the others arrived, Ali had not yet arrived, Ali used to be in charge of the paper mill with Ah Zhan, but after the paper mill and the money mill were separated, Ali went to manage the money mill.

This department is the most secret place of the tribe, and although the work is leisurely, it is far away from the tribe.

He doesn't usually go to the factory often, and he works in the stargazing building, but today is the day when he goes to inspect, so he is not in the tribe.

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