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☆ 37. Chapter 35

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35 Although Tu Feng didn't want to go out in the middle of winter to dig the corpses for cremation, but at Zhouzhou's strong request, he still went out with a group of wailing warriors.

They still prefer to learn Xi rather than freeze them into popsicles outside...

The winter in the Orc Continent is really super cold, and at this time when it is gradually approaching the depths of winter, Lu Qizhou suspects that the temperature here is at least minus thirty or forty degrees.

It's no wonder that so many powerful orcs die every winter.

As a cub, he is the least frost-resistant stage, and he wouldn't have gone out today if it weren't for the sudden attack of the hyena orcs.

Every day, the cafeteria and the house are two o'clock and one line, most of the time is spent on the kang, he is glad that he let the orcs set up the kang in the first year of coming, otherwise he will not be able to bear the cold.

After instructing the sacrifices to deal with the wounded and sending the soldiers out to dispose of the corpses, Lu Qizhou felt cold in hindsight, and trembled and was carried home by the Lingyuan sacrifice.

Ali and Ah Yue have long been paralyzed on the kang, and they have no parental love. Seeing Lu Qizhou being carried in by the sacrifice, he just changed his posture, and said lazily.."Zhouzhou is back?" Come up, Father Eminem has already warmed up the kang. "

Lu Qizhou.."..."Thank you, the kang is lit by the stove hall to heat up."

After he got on the kang, he formed a small group and said to the two sacrifices: "Grandpa Lingyuan, Grandpa Lingsheng, don't go back, just warm up here, we can go to class while warming." "

Two sacrifices and one spirit, they are all so old, if it weren't for the rise and fall of the tribe and the recovery of civilization, they would be the first ones who didn't want to learn Xi.

They looked at each other, their eyes were bitter, but as the two more responsible sacrifices among the orcs, they couldn't even refuse.

Zhouzhou's small claws and claws during this period of time are red and swollen every day, which makes people feel distressed when they look at it. In this way, he still insists on teaching them every day, such a spirit, such a dedication, they really can't turn a blind eye.

Isn't it just learning Xi? Learn!!

I'm afraid it's not the people of the beast god!!

"Okay, keep learning. Ling Yuan gritted his teeth, "Zhouzhou, our words were interrupted by the hyenas just now, how did you write the word 'panic'?"

As soon as Lu Qizhou heard him ask a question, his spirit was suddenly shocked..."This word is very easy to write..."The

interrupted learning Xi proceeded in an orderly manner again, Ali Ayue glanced at each other, and said in unison.."Zhouzhou, Father/Eminem went to call Jiang Xue and they came over to continue learning Xi!" "

That's called a righteous awe-inspiring, and the meaning of dragging people into the water is particularly obvious.

Just kidding, Zhouzhou, this cub, has been addicted to teaching others during this time, and every orc who is taught by him at close range will be asked questions every day.

If you can't answer, you will be stared at by him with that kind of death ray, until your scalp is numb, and Ah Li and Ah Yue are not immune.

So they need to find companions to share the pressure with them, and if it's just a few orcs, the chances of being questioned are definitely greatly increased...

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