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☆ 113. Chapter 111

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Chapter 111 On the first day the Northland orcs came to the

tribe, they fell in love with this glazed city.

Because the food is so delicious.

According to the orcs who led them to eat, it was supposed to cost money to eat in the cafeteria, but considering that they had no money when they first arrived, the tribe provided them with food and lodging for free, and when they had money, they would solve the problem of eating by themselves.

Conquering the Arctic orcs with one meal is nothing more than a trivial matter for the cafeteria staff. Think about it, they conquered more than 400,000 orcs in one meal.

For those who can't lift their heads to eat, the canteen staff have long been Xi to it.

The canteen employees have been in the canteen for a long time, all of them are big-shouldered and chubby, and all of them have a light and breezy appearance, which makes the Northland orcs envious.

They envy the orcs who can live in Liuli City, and they also envy their work, and they are even more happy that they can live in it in the future and work and earn money by themselves.

After eating, the tour guide didn't take them around, but took them to a new house where no one had yet lived in them.

This night, the Orcs of the Northland were smiling even in their dreams after falling asleep.

Thinking that they would be as happy as the orcs of the tribe in the future, they were full of hope.

The only thing to worry about was the climate, and they were used to living on ice sheets Xi the kind of weather that could freeze the expedition to the ground.

Although the plains are still covered with heavy snow, the temperature is still a little hot for them.

They suddenly remembered the orcs of the polar bear tribe, the penguin tribe, and the walrus tribe who did not follow them, and they seemed to have said that the northern orcs could not adapt to the climate of the plains at all, so they should not make blind decisions.

But they were already confused by the utopia in the mouth of the expedition, and looking at the flying ship and the large number of supplies, they decisively chose to follow to this strange place.

They believed that the Beast God Emissary would definitely have a solution.

With good anticipation, the Northland orcs were woken up at dawn.

When they woke up, they were still a little confused, they were also orcs on the orc continent, who could be more diligent than whom? Most of them are full of food, sleep, and full of food.

The biggest entertainment is with your partner, and it's really Xi to ask them to get up so early now.

When I woke up, I was taken to breakfast, and then I was taken to the square to assemble.

Yesterday, the priest-sama who looked like the fresh snow on the top of the snow-capped mountain was standing on a high platform waiting for them.

When they were on their feet, they talked about the establishment of the branch, and every word was so clear and clear that the Northland orcs all had red eyes when they heard it.

It's great to sacrifice to adults, isn't it?

Considering that they would not adapt to the climate of the plains, they wanted to build them a city on the Northland Ice Sheet that was the same as Liuli City!

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