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☆ 22. Chapter 21

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21 Lu Qizhou saw the expressions of the two of them, and knew that his goal had been achieved, and he immediately didn't say more, what he should have done had been done, and they would consider the gains and losses for themselves.

As he said, the Shi Feng Patriarch and the priest were not very moved by this suggestion, they hadn't thought about it before, but now that Lu Qizhou mentioned it, they looked down on their tribe's location even more.

It's all over the world, and to be honest, they can't stand it.

"Okay, let's move! Shi Feng gritted his teeth and made a decision immediately.

The execution of these panda orcs was still good, and when the clansmen returned, they summoned the clansmen to announce the decision.

In the Orc Continent, the patriarch and the priest are the absolute authority in the tribe, and they don't have to consider the thoughts of the clan at all when making decisions.

Although the clansmen didn't know why the patriarch and the priest suddenly made this decision, no one questioned it, and they naturally began to pack their luggage and food and prepare to move.

It is said to be luggage, but in fact, it is some animal skins, salt stones, and trinkets stored by pandas, and each person is wrapped in a maximum of one animal skin.

There are few personal belongings, but there are many common properties to the point that Lu Qizhou is staggering.

According to Tufeng, these meats were originally planned to be moved into the tree hole and hidden in the past few days, otherwise the meat would have been wasted in the rain and snow.

At this time, it was still hanging, which was just convenient for the panda orcs to move, and the huge animal skin package was taken out and the meat was packed.

At that time, each panda can run two or three times before it can carry all the meat over.

And the bamboo shoots they stored, those bamboo shoots were dried by the pandas, although the number is still amazing, but because they are dried bamboo shoots, it seems that the number is not as much as meat.

Each orc can be finished with a bamboo shoot wrapped in animal skin.

These pandas, no matter how lazy and lazy they are to think, still have their minds on their favorite bamboo shoots, and they also know how to dry the bamboo shoots and soak them in water when they want to eat them in winter.

Lu Qizhou can only say that these orcs, smart to smart, just don't want to think. Sooner or later, he had to correct them.

When the pandas were moving things, the live broadcast room was also very lively.

[The action of the rolling people is really strong, just move when you say it. [

The pandas don't have any luggage, they can leave with their cubs and food, do you still expect them to move like us to move furniture and appliances?

[At this moment, I only thought of one thing, will the panda orcs and cat orcs live together in the future? So many plush and fluffy...]

[The two cute things have been gathered, when will Zhouzhou go to other tribes again? ] [

With a panda, building a house is simple, three times five divided by two, before the winter comes, Zhouzhou should be able to live in a house.

[Look at the orcs who can move, hunt, sell cute, and transform, and then look at the pandas and cats that Blue Star can only eat and sell cute, the contrast is too tragic...] [Don't talk about it upstairs, besides, I can't help but want to fight cats...]

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