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☆ 55. Chapter 53

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53 Lu Qizhou's proposal, After everyone read it, they all looked at each other, and no one spoke.

After a while, Lu Qizhou asked gently, "Don't you have anything to ask?" The

silence was broken by his immature voice, and Tu Feng said, "I have no opinion, I think Zhouzhou's idea is very good." He paused, "After the division of labor is refined, after everyone has any problems, go to the captain first, and the captain can't solve it and come to us, which can save a lot of time, I think it's good."

Lu Qizhou's heart couldn't help beating with joy, Tu Feng really deserved to be the most suitable orc in the tribe to be the patriarch, and the overall situation and the political ability to draw inferences from one case to another are really not covered.

I just made a simple plan, and before I said the advantages of this plan, Tufeng already understood the advantages of this plan.

He liked this tacit understanding very much, and nodded happily and said, "Yes, Brother Tufeng is right. He looked at everyone, "After the detachment, the responsibilities of the captains become heavier, but the tribe will not let everyone work in vain, as the captain, you have taken the responsibility, and you will have the corresponding benefits."

"I'll tell you about the benefits later, and I'll tell you about the benefits of this detachment first." "

First, it can give full play to the overall efficiency and improve work efficiency.

Second, the captain can explore everyone's strengths. The division of labor allows everyone to complete the corresponding work according to their own expertise, so that each part of the work can be relatively perfect.

Third, it can make up for the shortcomings of the individual. A lot of work cannot be done by one person, and even if it is completed, it will not have a good effect, so it requires the cooperation of the team and the distribution and coordination of the leader.

Fourth, team spirit and team atmosphere generate strong motivation. It can also produce a virtuous circle of competition, which is close to Zhu is red, close to ink is black, a good atmosphere has a huge impact on people, and a good team atmosphere can make each tribe member willing to do their best to complete a good job, and the work efficiency increases exponentially.

Fifth, after the detachment, the manager of the team, that is, our captain, also plays the role of supervisor, communicator, speaker, and coordinator, which can save me and the patriarchs and priests a lot of time to do other things.

Sixth, the team performs its own duties, and all the things of the tribe will become efficient and time-saving under the division of labor and cooperation.

To sum up, the division of labor and cooperation and the establishment of managers are important processes in the development of the tribe, can you understand what I mean? Lu

Qizhou's mouth was dry, and everyone didn't understand it, mainly because they hadn't heard so many new words.

After digesting it for a while, Tu Feng said again: "I understand. "

Other orcs.."..." What do you understand, you understand?

The spirit sacrifice asked Lu Qizhou tremblingly, "Zhouzhou, this is too complicated, can you be up to such a heavy task?" The

orcs who came to participate in the tribal meeting for the first time also looked at Lu Qizhou in fear one by one, including Ah Yue.

Lu Qizhou.."Why can't you be competent? No one is born to manage, they all cross the river by feeling the stones, take their time, and one day they will learn. "

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