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☆ 46. Chapter 44

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44 When the first kiln bricks were burned, Lu Qizhou strictly followed the ratio of clay and water given by the audience, and let Tufeng and the sacrificial patriarchs mix it.

Then the mixed clay is filled into a mold, compacted, the soil embryo is poured out, dried in the sun, and then stacked into the kiln, ignited and burned.

Although Lu Qizhou knows what the temperature is needed to burn bricks, it is not so simple to control, and he can only use different temperatures in three kilns to try slowly.

After stacking all the adobe bricks into the kiln and starting to burn, Lingyuan asked Lu Qizhou uncertainly: "Zhouzhou, can you really burn the brick you said?"

Lu Qizhou affirmed: "Yes, but I don't know what the temperature is, maybe I have to try a few more times." As

a panda, Lingsheng is actually very lazy in his bones, he asked Lu Qizhou: "Zhouzhou, we can actually use our claws to continue cutting stones to make bricks, why bother?"


Lu Qizhou saw that they were all puzzled, he opened his mouth to explain: "It is too inefficient to cut stones with claws, and it is not cost-effective to need so many people together every time."

"If you burn bricks, you don't have to worry about that, you see you only need one or two people to burn bricks, and after being skilled, the daily output is enough for us to use, and we don't have to call everyone together to cut stones every time." "

However, the spirit sacrifice still doesn't understand..."

Lu Qizhou said bitterly to the Lingsheng: "Lingsheng Grandpa, in the future, each of us orcs will have our own things to do, it is impossible to build a house together every time, we must divide a part of the orcs to specialize in building houses."

"There are still a lot of houses to be built, and if we keep cutting stones with their claws, as you said, the orcs who are responsible for cutting stones can stand it for a day or two, and after a long time, their claws will not be worn bald?" "

But what are we going to build so many houses for?"

Lu Qizhou knew that they couldn't understand their thoughts about wanting to build a city, but he wasn't ready to say it directly, so he said: "This is a good question, and this is the question after class today." In the evening, the sacrificial grandfather and the patriarch and uncle each gave me a small essay of 300 words, and used my brain to think about why we built so many houses.

As soon as

Lu Qizhou's words came out, the priests and patriarchs instantly looked at Lingsheng with a sad face, an expression that made you talk.

After their class every night in the past few days, Lu Qizhou will assign an after-class question, asking them to go back and write a small composition, and use pinyin for words that can't be written, in short, 300 words a day, and they can't run.

Those questions are also strange, some are derived from idioms and fables, some are based on local materials, ask how to solve some of the problems encountered that day, there are several solutions, and even ask children how to educate after fighting...

In short, there is no law at all in these questions, and they are not allowed to copy other orcs, they must think for themselves.

The orcs have been tormented by learning and Xi, and it is difficult to read and write, and now they have to write a small composition of three hundred words every day, which is simply the life of the beast.

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