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☆ 12. Chapter 11

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11 However, Lu Qizhou overlooked a very important matter.

They don't have chopsticks, how can they get this fish out and eat it?

He could only regret that he asked the tribesmen to find a suitable and sleek stone, and used the cat's claws to buckle the stone into a concave stone bowl similar to a cauldron.

After the cat orcs knew that this was a vessel used to carry fish meat and fish soup, the bowl was bigger than the other, and the desire to eat more fish was overflowing.

Because this was the first bowl made by the cats and orcs themselves, Lu Qizhou did not let them change to small ones, let them hold the stone bowl as big as the pot, and after teaching them how to use it, he commanded them to line up.

After the team was lined up, as the most powerful and prestigious patriarch of the clan, he held a thick spoon that had just been washed and cleaned with a handle, and scooped fish for the cats and orcs one by one.

The sacrificial lord is at the forefront, followed by Lu Qizhou's family, Lu Qizhou saw that the sacrificial lord was so hungry that his beard trembled, afraid that he would burn his mouth, and instructed: "Sacrificial grandpa, the fish and fish soup can be scalded, you remember to blow the cold and eat it again." "

The old priest was already hungry, and he said casually.."I know, I know." The

eyes were still staring at the tumbling white fish.

The patriarch was both proud and guilty, and he needed to endure the constant smell of fish and meat, and scooped a spoonful of fish soup for the old priest.

The old priest eagerly walked to the side and blew the fish, and he was almost scalded when he ate the barbecue that day.

He still remembers the hot taste of the tongue in his mouth, and although he is anxious when the fish arrives in his hand, he also knows that he can enjoy it slowly.

So when the tribesmen hit the fish one after another, he hadn't eaten the first bite.

Although Lu Qizhou instructed left and right, there were still orcs who couldn't help but take the lead in bringing the bowl to their mouths.

When I drank a mouthful of steaming fish soup, I suddenly screamed and screamed, and my ears and tails hung down.

When the other orcs saw their miserable situation, they didn't dare to "take the risk" anymore, and honestly learned from the old priest to start blowing fish soup on the fish.

After the fish soup can be eaten, the cats of all sizes have been dizzy with fragrance.

Ali let out a soul complaint: "This fish is delicious after washing with water, but it is too hot." He

heard the word hot from Lu Qizhou's mouth, but he didn't know that it was called boiled fish, not washed fish.

Lu Qizhou couldn't help but smile and corrected him: "Father, Lord Beast God said that this is called boiled fish soup, also called stewed fish soup, not washed fish."

After he finished

speaking, he buried the whole cat's face in a large bowl and added fish soup with his delicate little tongue, and from time to time rolled up a piece of fish meat and ate it.

Even though there is only a little salt stone added to this fish, and nothing else, the taste is really wonderful.

Although the fish is fishy, as a kitten, he used to have to use various materials to remove the fish, and the fish seemed to be more delicious if it was a little fishy.

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