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☆ 118. Chapter 116

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116 No matter what the orcs of the expedition team thought, Lu Qizhou felt that it was an honor for the tribe to have orcs like them who were not afraid of hardships and dangers.

The expedition was originally set up to search for edible plants, medicines, and mineral veins.

Later, the tribe became more and more edible plants, and gradually formed a cultivation scale, and was able to be completely self-sufficient.

The expedition became a real expedition, searching for resources while also surveying the terrain and drawing maps.

Over the years, they have traveled all over the country, and if it weren't for the flying boats, they might have to measure the whole continent with their feet.

Even though they knew that the road ahead would be more and more difficult and more difficult, these venerable orcs never flinched, they loved the tribe, they loved the land, and they were willing to be pioneers.

Lu Qizhou can't pretend not to see their efforts, even if he didn't hear it before, since he heard it, he has to make a statement.

He gave Tu Feng a look, Tu Feng understood, and said: "We see your efforts, when I go back this time, I will let the military department award you medals, you are the heroes of the tribe!" We are so proud of you! "

This award, naturally, is not a symbol of glory that gives them the authority to divide the land like the interstellar one.

After the military department came out, a set of reward methods was established, and those who made a special contribution to the tribe would be awarded medals.

With that little badge, when they get old, the tribe will give them more pensions on time and monthly.

For example, if the normal orc pension is two thousand, they are four thousand.

This is a treatment that only orcs who work in the high-risk occupations of the tribe will have.

All the orcs in the expedition team were excited and thanked them repeatedly, they didn't expect that they could have such benefits when they told Zhou Zhou about the outside world.

One by one, they became more and more respectful of Tu Feng and Lu Qizhou, and Lu Qizhou waited for them to finish their excitement before saying, "Okay, go to sleep, it's late."


sending the excited orcs to sleep, Lu Qizhou and Tu Feng both got out of bed on the high and low beds, sat cross-legged side by side on the bed, and began to concentrate on cultivation.

Even if you can't double cultivate outside, you can't stop running your mind and enter into cultivation. Cultivation is not a day's work, and since we have formed a good habit Xi of cultivation, we cannot give up halfway.

The orcs of the expedition, after being excited, also began their own cultivation.

In the vast night, only the moonlight guided them, and Ah Zhuang cultivated in front, occasionally opening his eyes to see if the route had deviated.

In the past, the flying ship needed to be watched at any time, afraid that the spiritual power was not enough to land suddenly, but this time, with the boat and the wind of the boat, the aura in the control circle was sufficient, and at least it was enough for the flying ship to run for three days.

At this time, the flying boat looks like a small toy boat from the outside, so small and cute, who would know that there is actually a hole inside?

Aircraft have not yet been produced enough to be used by various departments, and when there are enough aircraft, it is necessary to start researching storage tools.

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