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☆ 39. Chapter 37

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37 Xiao Bai was surprised by the attitude of the Stone Wind Patriarch, but he didn't ask anything, just watched silently.

After Shi Feng asked, he looked at Lu Qizhou for a long time, he knew that Lu Qizhou would not refuse, this future leader was a soft-hearted person, and it was impossible to see death without help.

The reason why he asked Lu Qizhou's wishes was to show Xiaobai, he was building prestige for Lu Qizhou.

Lu Qizhou knew what he meant, and he didn't drop the chain.."Since the rabbit clan is in trouble, our tribe should help." He turned to Tu Feng, "Brother Tu Feng, you can wait and bring the warriors over to bring all the rabbit tribes, and help them dig up the food by the way." His

meaning was obvious, he was willing to accept not only rabbit cubs, but also rabbit adult orcs.

Lu Qizhou actually wanted to leave the rabbit clan directly behind, merge it into the tribe, and expand the population.

He had planned to wait for the depths of winter, so he would let the orcs go out to find the weak orcs who couldn't survive, and slowly accept them into the tribe.

Who knew that before he could act, the rabbit clan came to the door first. It seems that God is helping him, and the labor force sent to the door will not be collected in vain.

The rabbit clan Xiaobai didn't know what he was thinking, but it didn't prevent him from getting excited. He understood what Lu Qizhou meant, and his eyes turned red again.

Before he came, he had thought about it, although the Iron Eaters were powerful, they actually didn't have a good time in winter, and they had to take care of the cubs every year. He definitely didn't have that much effort to help them, so when he came, he didn't dare to say if you could take in our tribe for a few days, only that he would take in the little cub for a few days.

This is also what their patriarch and the priest have discussed, as long as the iron-eating beasts are willing to help them take care of the cubs for a few days, they can lead their people to dig out the cave with all their might.

After coming to the Iron Eater Clan, he was desperate to find that the Iron Eaters were all gone, and he was desperate to know what to do, and he didn't know how to go back to explain to the people who were looking forward to it.

Just as he was squatting in place and crying, Tu Feng walked out of the wooden house in front of the bamboo forest, and he realized that the original Iron Eater Clan had moved to the Cat Clan.

He didn't care about being surprised at the time, and as soon as he told Tu Feng what happened in the clan, Tu Feng brought him here.

After coming to the cat clan, it scared this little dirt bun a lot.

He was amazed by the neatly lined houses, the thick and thin bamboo pipes that ran along the edges of the houses, and the empty valleys.

It's not like he hasn't been to the cat people before, the cat people at that time were spacious and flat, and the mountain walls were densely packed with caves.

Compared with the past, the current Cat Valley is simply different, and it is incredible.

At first, he didn't know if the "boulders" that rose from the flat ground in the valley were houses, or if Tu Feng explained them to him, and he realized that they had built them and were used to live in them.

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