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☆ 7. Chapter 6

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6 Patriarch Ah Jin's face could still be tight, but those young warriors couldn't, they shrugged their noses and sniffed the fragrance in the air, their faces full of surprise.

The tall and handsome man carrying the deer in the crowd, Ali, also looked surprised, although he already had two cubs, Zhouzhou and Doudou, but in the end he was only an adult for more than a year, and his temperament was not so stable.

"What does it smell like? It smells so good!

"Yes, yes, it's really fragrant, it seems to come from the valley. "

Let's go, go back and see." The

group resisted the prey on their shoulders, and quickened their pace into the valley, and when they entered the valley, they saw the females of the tribe and the old, weak, sick and disabled gathered at the door of Ali's house.

There's also a bunch on the platform at the door... Hill fires?!!

"Ali! Look, your house is on fire!

"With so many people around, who is injured, right?

Ali hurriedly threw the deer on his shoulder, and ran towards his house.

It wasn't until he ran closer and closer that he saw that no one seemed to be hurt. On the contrary, it is the strange fragrance, and the closer you get to it, the more it drills into your nose.

His stomach began to gurgle, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, just asked: "Lord Sacrifice, Ah Yue, what are you doing here, this mountain fire is very dangerous, you come down quickly!" He

also saw that they were not injured at all, but they were very close to the wildfire, otherwise he would have jumped on the platform and pulled them out without regard for safety.

Ah Yue looked at her anxious male and smiled helplessly, Ah Li looked like she had reacted when she first saw the wildfire.

If it weren't for the Beast God, she wouldn't have known that this dangerous mountain fire could make such delicious meat.

She jumped off the platform lightly and raised the almost roasted meat in her hand to his nose.

Ali was even hungrier as soon as she approached, and his eyes widened in surprise. It smells so good! What the hell are you doing?

Ah Yue smiled, learned from her own cub, popped out her sharp nails, blew a piece of flesh on the surface, and stuffed it into Ali's mouth.

The cat's tongue is afraid of being hot, and they cats and orcs are also afraid of being hot, and they were burned by Zhouzhou's little cub just now.

But there was no way, the meat was so fragrant that I was reluctant to spit it out.

It was also after eating the noodles that Zhou Zhou told them to blow it, otherwise it would be too hot.

The feeling of numbness and pain in the tongue is hot, and it is also what Zhouzhou told them.

At this time, Ah Li was not burned, because Ah Yue had already blown the meat cold.

He only felt that the barbecue smelled fragrant, and it was even more fragrant when he ate it, and when he took a bite, the skin was crispy and the inside was tender, it was really delicious!

Ah Yue watched her male squint her eyes with satisfaction, and her ears drooped, looking like she could knead them casually.

"It's delicious, it's delicious... Ah Yue, bring me another piece. After

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