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☆ 15. Chapter 14

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14 Matsutake mushroom, that's a specialty of the interstellar blue star, a mushroom that can be sold at a high price every year to other planets.

But today's matsutake mushrooms in the interstellar blue star are already artificially cultivated, and the wild ones are so rare that they are almost stunts, like those matsutake mushrooms that Lu Qizhou saw, if they are sold to other interstellar planets, it is not uncommon for one gram to sell for more than a thousand interstellar coins.

He slapped Ali's arm frantically with his claws.."Father, father! Go ahead and pick that matsutake mushroom, it's delicious.

Ali now formed a conditioned reflex, as long as Lu Qizhou said it was delicious, it would be absolutely delicious, and immediately hugged Lu Qizhou and walked towards the large cluster of matsutake mushrooms.

After carefully digging out all the matsutake mushrooms by hand and putting them into the large package of animal skins, Ali breathed a sigh of relief and said, "These pines... Pine..."

Lu Qizhou reminded.."Matsutake mushroom.

"Yes, matsutake mushrooms are so ugly, are they really delicious? "

Lu Qizhou.." It's delicious, if you can hunt pheasants, it's delicious to stew them with pheasants. "

The soldiers in the rear are all brushing and swallowing saliva, how delicious is it that can make Zhou Zhou boast so much? Can there be fish that tastes good?

The group drooled and walked to the place where the prey is usually haunted, and Lu Qizhou looked at the ground with some difficulty.

You have to have a hoe to dig this pit, right? It's not impossible to use claws, but dig a big pit to come out, and the claws must not be worn bald?

He thought about it, and asked the two warriors to find some large stones, and instructed them to cut the stones into the shape of hoes with their claws, and cut some suitable tree trunks to get stuck into.

The looser ones are stuck in with smaller branches, so that they are quite sturdy.

Then the pit began to be dug, and the orcs took turns digging a pit, and after about half an hour, a deep and wide pit was dug out.

Lu Qizhou taught them to put dry branches on it, and then sprinkle dead branches and leaves on it, camouflaging the trap exactly like the original.

Then he cut a wooden plank, made several cuts with his fingernails, and inserted it next to the trap as a marker, so that no cat warrior would accidentally fall.

After that, I went around several times, made several traps, marked them, and then it was over.

Originally, it was time to go back after digging the trap, but the warriors felt that since they had already come out, it would not be worth it to go back without some prey, so they left two or three warriors to protect the boat, and after looking for the plants he needed, they went hunting.

Lu Qizhou was comfortably held by Ali, and the other two soldiers were around to help him find edible plants, and when he saw a relatively small plant, he ripped it off and asked Lu Qizhou.

Lu Qizhou's eyesight is very good, he can see what the orcs show him from afar, and he can see the plants on the ground clearly, but there are many thorns on the periphery of the forest, so he hasn't found any edible plants for a long time.

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