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☆ 32. Chapter 30

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30 The barrier was cleared relatively wide, and it was autumn and winter, and there was no wind, and the air was cold, so the fire did not affect the surrounding wild grass.

The fire cleared the weeds very quickly, and it didn't take long to burn all the weeds and thorns.

After the fire stopped, Lu Qizhou asked everyone to wait for a while, let the burned land cool down, and then let everyone wave their hoes.

Turn out all the roots, pick up the stones, and break up the big clods. The orcs became more and more proficient, and slowly increased their speed.

The number of orcs in the tribe is large, and twenty acres of land is actually very small for a person, and in one afternoon, this large area of land has basically been turned over.

The roots and stones in the field were all picked up and thrown away in a basket.

Originally, with so many people, Lu Qizhou could have asked them to turn over a little more land, but he thought that there would be too few crops to be planted next year, and twenty acres of land was too much, and he would not be able to plant anything if he opened it again.

When the plants are harvested in the first half of next year, and more seeds are left in the second half of the year, then how much land will need to bloom again.

The ground was turned over, the orcs returned to the tribe, the canteen had already made the meal, everyone served their own bowls, lined up to eat, and gathered in the square to eat fragrantly.

The stools made of wood in the cafeteria hall didn't seem to be liked by the orcs, and Lu Qizhou thought that it was probably because there were no tables.

Thinking that the weather is getting colder and colder, and you are about to move to a new home, you have to have furniture, right? An unfurnished house is a house.

So the next day, the orcs, who thought they had nothing to do, were called by Lu Qizhou to cut down trees in the forest.

The cut trees were cut into templates and made into tables, chairs, cabinets, and various storage shelves.

The orcs don't have a lot of things, but this bit of furniture is enough, and you can make it if you want to add it later.

Except for the trunk of the cut tree, all the branches were small and put into the storage room of each house, which was reserved for the fire in the winter.

Of course, relying on that little branch is definitely not enough to survive the winter, after all, not only do you have to cook every day, but every household also has to burn the kang, which requires a lot of firewood.

Lu Qizhou let people divide more than half of the orcs, go out to hunt and continue to hunt, and dry firewood when they should get dry firewood.

The rest of the orcs were all left to make furniture and cured meat, and the division of labor was exceptionally clear.

It took three days to make the furniture, and after putting all the furniture into the new house, Lu Qizhou sent all the orcs out to collect dry firewood.

Firewood in more than a hundred houses, quickly filled up in just a few days, is enough to burn at least one winter.

With the saturation of firewood, Lu Qizhou's first winter in the Orc Continent has finally arrived.

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