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☆ 56. Chapter 54

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54 After Lu Qizhou finished dealing with the live broadcast room, he held a tribal meeting in the evening.

At the tribal meeting, the 14 newly appointed captains came to the stage one by one in batches to give their speeches, and their faces turned red and they didn't say anything, mainly because they could stumble and read the speeches incompletely for a long time.

Lu Qizhou feels that it is not possible to go on like this, as a manager, the first thing to learn is not to have stage fright.

There will be more and more orcs in the tribe in the future, and more and more people will be handed over to them, if they are still stage frightened to even give a speech on stage, how can they manage so many orcs?

Therefore, Lu Qizhou decided to give managers more opportunities to go on stage in the future, exercise their adaptability, and at least let them learn not to have stage fright.

After the meeting told me about the detachment, the orcs all started to talk about it, and one by one they were as excited as if they had become captains.

"With the captain, is there any problem that I can go to the captain in the future? "

Yes, yes, in the past, when I encountered a problem, I had to queue up to find boats, sacrifices, and patriarchs, but it was troublesome. "

Captain, it sounds so majestic, I also want to be the captain~"

"But aren't the captains the most powerful and who is the best?" How can even Rabbit Snow be the captain?

"yes, yes, I want to know why.

Lu Qizhou heard some orcs discussing why these orcs were selected, and he explained: "Everyone must be curious about why 14 of them were selected as captains, indeed, their force value is not very high, but I will give you a word today."

"Division of labor and cooperation........."

Next, Lu Qizhou repeated the words at the high-level meeting, and after the orcs in the audience were stunned, Lu Qizhou was finally satisfied.

"In the future, no matter what problems you encounter, go to your captain to solve them first, and the captain will come to us again if you can't solve them, understand? The

orcs shouted excitedly in unison.."Got it! "

Okay, the orcs are so excited, Lu Qizhou believes they really understand.

After the meeting ended, Lu Qizhou breathed a sigh of relief, this matter was finally done.

Not to mention the advantages and disadvantages of this detachment, this will have to be seen for a while. Lu Qizhou is more concerned about papermaking now.

The next morning, Lu Qizhou called Ah Li and Ah Zhan early, as well as the team members selected by the two last night, to study the papermaking with them.

Originally, this matter was handed over to Ah Li and Ah Zhan to study, but they didn't know anything about papermaking, even if they had specific steps, they didn't know what the specific paper was, and Lu Qizhou had to stare at the point during the production process, and if there was any problem, they could ask the audience in the live broadcast room on the spot.

The process of papermaking is generally made by the aqueous suspension of plant fibers that have been pulped and processed in a staggered combination on the net, preliminary dehydration, and then compression and drying.

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