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☆ 133. Chapter 131

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131 Along the way from the military headquarters to Cat Valley, everyone in the interstellar suffered round after round of critical attacks.

By the time Lu Qizhou and the giant beasts arrived at Cat Valley in a trance, it was already an hour later.

And taking advantage of this gap, the interstellar high-level has urgently stopped all research on the space channel, and the researchers stationed on the weak point of space have all withdrawn.

Not only that, but they also sent a team of ace troops to quickly rush to the weak point of space, and they were heavily armed around the weak point and stood guard.

None of them knew what the Orc Continent was going to let them see, and they didn't know if the Orc Continent had already studied the passage before them.

Politicians must guard against sudden changes on the side of the orc continent, and the weak points of space must be strictly guarded.

They didn't know what they were thinking, but after arriving at Cat Valley, he let the giant beast legion stay above Cat Valley, and Tu Feng fell to the ground of Cat Valley.

After entering the cave, Tu Feng raised his hand, and a cluster of blue fire lit up in his palm, and the dark cave instantly lit up.

Lu Qizhou began to sigh into the live broadcast room again: "Do you remember this cave?" This is where Doudou and I walked through.

"I had just arrived in a strange place, and I was full of fear and anxiety, thinking about what I would do when I became a cat.

"And then the live ball came along, and you know how happy I was at that time? Lu Qizhou's mood was a little wrong, and his face began to turn pale, as if that memory was not good for him.

"How naïve I was at that time, thinking that even if Doudou and I accidentally came to this strange world, there were still so many compatriots behind me to support me, I was not afraid at all. As

he spoke, his face began to turn hideous. The government sent me a back-of-house text message, saying that he would not give up on every citizen, and that he would pick me up when the space channel was researched.

His voice echoed in the cave, with a vicious tone..."Hahaha, I felt that something was wrong at that time, I was a powerless commoner, where was it worth government. The government made such a big sacrifice? Just to save me back? What a joke!!

Tu Feng's face also changed, and his face became full of pity. Thinking that at that time, Zhou Zhou had just arrived in the Orc Continent, and the living conditions were not good, even if he was incompatible with the orcs. The government also pretended to let him cooperate with the study of the space passage.

He reached out to wrap his hand around Lu Qizhou's shoulders and touched his head comfortingly, but it didn't stop him from continuing to speak.

"If it weren't for the extremely rich resources on the Orc Continent, you damn egoists would have thought of opening a spatial passage? In the name of saving me back, you can't even find a decent excuse? I don't even want to be perfunctory, you really don't want to be perfunctory?!

"The Interstellar Covenant says nicely, when you really come to this world, aren't the orcs at your mercy? What's even more ridiculous is that you asked me to cooperate with the research institute to use more logistics channels, and I was unwilling to pay for buying things, and I had to let ordinary people pay in the name of rewards.

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