chapter ten;

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"This time I am getting your suitcase whether you like it or not," the blonde drummer said getting out of the car.

"Alright, alright. If it really bothers you that much, you can't take it." I said back to him.

I followed by his side as we entered the airport, it was crowded as usual. A man who Freddie introduced us to, Paul, was Queen's new manager and would be joining us on this tour. He seemed a bit stuck up if you ask me.

"Alright, miss fancy sue, you'll be sitting in between Deaky and Roger." Paul said in a cocky tone.

"It's Maddie." I said politely.

"I don't care what it is, now go start boarding the plane cheesecake nancy."

Rude. I thought to myself. As I entered the plane I saw Roger, putting his suitcase and my suitcase in the luggage compartment. I thought that was really sweet of him.

"Hey Rog, guess who you're stuck with this plane trip," I teased.

"Ugh are you serious? No wonder I fell asleep on the way here," he teased back, smirking.

"Oh excuse me sleeping beauty for awaking you, I forgot that you're only in a good mood for your true loves kiss." I said joking, pushing his shoulder.

"Still waiting for that kiss," he sighed.

I gave him a short but sweet kiss as we sat down. Deaky came and sat next to me. Roger had the window seat, and I heard the pilot announce we were taking off. I watched through Roger's window as we took off into the air.

"You feeling alright love?" He asked me.

"Oh yes, sorry, I usually do that plane rides." I giggled.

He took my hand and held it in his. I assumed he thought I was nervous or something. I smiled sweetly at him, and we locked eyes. His blue ocean eyes pierced my pupils. I thought time had stop, and we were stuck in it. It felt like ages we were staring into each other's eyes until I head Deaky say something.

"Can you two stop making out in eye contact and help me with this word search?" He said as he showed me his word search book.

I laughed. "Of course Deaky, let's see here..."

After about 30 minutes of helping Deaky, I turned around to Rog, where he had fallen asleep again. I rested my head against his shoulder, and he awoke. I could tell he was smiling as I fell asleep.

Little did I know I was asleep for the rest of the plane ride.

Love Of My Life {•Roger Taylor•} BOOK ONE Where stories live. Discover now