chapter fifty one;

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June 28, 1975
Maddie's POV

Yesterday after Roger and I talked about what had happened, we stayed at the pool all day. Roger was pretty good at swimming, but kept complaining when I had to put sunscreen on him.

Today was our second day in Paris. I still couldn't believe it, I was in France. I never that I'd ever be here someday, especially with a rockstar.

"Good morning love, what do you want to do today?" I heard Roger ask as I came through the balcony doors.

"Hm, I'm not sure. We could check out a park, or see other landmarks. I want to go to the Eiffel Tower on our last night." I said.

"Of course love, we must save the best for last." He chuckled as he got out of bed and wrapped his arms around me.

Why does my mind keep wanting to think that he would actually cheat on me?

We ended up going down this strip of stores, it made me feel like I was walking through Kensington Market.

As we were walking, there was a wedding dress store that had the most beautiful dress on display.

"Wow Rog, look at that wedding dress, it's beautiful." I beamed.

"It is beautiful, and I bet a dress like that would look beautiful on you someday," he smirked. I blushed, as usual, and kept walking on my way.

After a few minutes of walking, I spotted a really cool fountain ahead. I wanted to go check it out.

"Catch me if you can!" I shouted as I sprinted away from Roger. Roger stood there for a few seconds, trying to take in what happened. He started to run after me as I was already at the fountain.

I ran around it, and that's when he finally caught me. He picked me up bridal style, and set me in front of the fountain. We sat there admiring the scene, and that's when he motioned me to take a picture in front of it.

After the picture printed from the polaroid, we waited for the picture to show. When it finally did, Roger smiled.

"How beautiful you are," he said as he intertwined his fingers with me and kissed my forehead.

I can't get over how much he cares for me.

Love Of My Life {•Roger Taylor•} BOOK ONE Where stories live. Discover now