chapter one hundred ninety eight;

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"Maddie that's amazing! We're having another baby!" I said as a tear streamed down my face.

I nuzzled my face into her shoulder and held her in my grasp tightly, I wasn't letting this woman go out of my sight.

"Baby?" Ben asked.

"You're going to have a new brother or sister," I said as they ran into Maddie's arms.

"Mummy where's baby?" Holly asked.

"The baby's in here," she said as she pointed to her stomach.

Holly wanted Maddie to lay down, so Maddie laid down. Holly sat down next to her, and laid her tiny head up against Maddie's stomach.

"How far along are you?" I asked as I helped her up.

"I'm not sure, I'll go to the doctors office tomorrow for an appointment," she said.

"Could I come with? I'm sure Freddie wouldn't mind watching the twins. Besides, they love his cats," I chuckled.

"Sure I'll call him. Do you think Freddie is um, changing?" She asks.

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"Well he's gotten a haircut, and he's growing a mustache," she sighed.

"He may just be going for a different look, although it does seem gayer," I said.

She nodded and picked the twins up. I could tell she missed them today.

"How are my two little angels?" She asked.

"Good mummy," she said in unison.

She looked up at me with a confused look on her face. I was thinking the same thing.

"How did they- Say it at the same time? The exact same thing?" She stuttered.

"They're twins, they probably share the same mindset," I said.

"Did Brian tell you that?" She chuckled. 

I nodded and blushed a bit. She came over and pressed a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"Good thing you bought a house with enough rooms," she whispered.

"Say if you're not feeling to bad in the morning, do you maybe want to come with me to the studio? We're going to start recording, we could go to the doctor afterwards," I asked.

"Of course, we can share the good news as well," she smiled.

Can I just rant about my wife for a second? She's the most calm and caring woman I've ever met. She's such a good mum, and I couldn't ask for anyone better than her. It doesn't even get better when you're talking about Maddie. I remember our wedding day, it was the best day of my life. That day she became Madelyn Taylor, and I couldn't be happier to give her my last name.

She's the love of my life, and mother of my children. I'm so happy to call her mine for the rest of my life. I remember the day Freddie set me up with her as if it were yesterday.


"Roger darling, are you seeing anyone at the moment?" Freddie asked as I sat at my drum kit.

"No, not right now. Why?" I asked a bit zoned out.

"Because Im trying to set up my best friend with her dream guy, and I felt like you'd be the perfect match for her," he said.

"Hm, what's her name?"

"You've met her before, but it's going to have to stay a secret for now," he smirked.

"Freddie, all the women I go out with usually end up being one night stands. What makes you think this girl would be any better?" I groaned.

"Just meet me here at 8 tonight, dress nicely. I'll get Brian and Deaky's help with the food. She loves chocolate covered strawberries, so I'll send you with those. Of course you have to have red wine. Oh darling trust me, you'll thank me later." He said as he hands me a piece of paper with an address on it.

"Hm alright, I'm a bit excited now that you've got me a mystery girl," I grinned.

I'm not too sure who Freddie decided to set me up with this time, but I'm sure she was going to end up being another one of those girls that gave me their numbers and I wouldn't end up calling again.

I'm honestly excited to see who it is, but I needed to know now.


And little did I know, she was the one girl I didn't think of a one night shag. She was more, and it ended up being more. She's my world, and I'm so glad I trusted Freddie.

hey guys so there are currently too many parts in this book to where i can't upload on here anymore.

don't worry because i'm going to have another book that's going to take place in the 80's that's still based on this book.

it's going to be in my stories, so please feel free to check it out if you want to go farther in the journey of maddie and roger

-lindsey x

Love Of My Life {•Roger Taylor•} BOOK ONE Where stories live. Discover now