chapter one hundred ninety four;

135 1 0

October 7, 1979

"Happy anniversary my love," Roger said as he turned to face me.

I opened my eyes and saw his blue ones staring straight back at me.

"Happy anniversary to you too," I smiled as I gave his lips a peck.

I got up and got dressed when I heard sad sighs.

"What's wrong Roger?" I asked.

"You only gave me a peck on the lips, not even bothering to go passionate on our big day," he sighed.

He sat on the side of the bed, so I went and sat on his lap facing him. I straddled my legs around his waist and forced my lips to his. I cupped his cheek in my hand and then brought my hands to Roger's hair, messing it up more than it usually is.

He pulled away with a huge smirk on his face.

"You've done good Mrs. Taylor," he said as he slapped my ass.

"Stop!" I shouted playfully.

He then threw me back onto the bed and tickled the living life out of me.

"Rog stop!- Im going to piss myself!" I giggled loudly as I said that.

He let go of me and I quickly ran to the toilet to pee. If he didn't stop earlier, I was going to piss right there on the bed.

"Let's go see if the twins are awake," I said as I walked out of the bathroom.

Roger and I creeped into the nursery very quietly. Well, it was more like a bedroom that they shared now. They got their own beds and everything.

"They're still asleep Rog, we shouldn't wake them," I said.

"Rawr!" They both shouted at the same time as the came up from under their blankets.

I nearly fell on the floor, Roger had to catch me in his arms.

"Nice job kids! You scared mummy!" Roger said as he went and gave both of them kisses on their foreheads.

"You planned this! I don't even get a kiss," I said as I fake frowned and went back into our room.

Before I could close the door I felt a pair of arms scoop me up and take me down the stairs. I smiled when I found out that Roger had once again made breakfast.

"You're too good to me Roger Taylor," I said as he sat me down.

The twins came down the stairs, well more like slid down the stairs on their butts.

"You did this while I was i the bathroom?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No silly, I did it while you were asleep," he said as he nuzzled his face into my cheek.

He got up and helped the twins into their high chairs to eat the eggs Roger cooked for them.

1:00 pm

Roger and I thought it was a good day to hang out in the backyard. We opened the door and Princess ran straight out without any hesitation.

"Say, now that they're getting older we should probably get something for them to play on," Roger said.

"Agreed, maybe we could buy a little pool for them, or a little slide," I said.

"Good idea I'll get that taken care of," Roger said.

I sat down on a patio chair, Roger sat in one next to me. We watched the twins as they attempted to chase Princess around the yard. Of course they fell a few times, but neither of them cried. They always got back up in attempts to get her.

"Alright, I think that's enough chasing for now," I laughed as I scooped the twins up and pressed a kiss on their cheeks.

Roger and I spent the rest of the day with the twins, and that's how it was going to be for a while.

Love Of My Life {•Roger Taylor•} BOOK ONE Where stories live. Discover now