chapter one hundred eighty five;

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"Maddie!" I said as I came in the kitchen. She had the twins in both her arms and fed them tiny bits of eggs.

"Yes Roger?"

"My mum is going to come on tour with us. She'll be staying at the hotels to watch the twins while we go and do our shows," I said almost jumping up and down.

"Why didn't we think of that! I swear that woman has such the best ideas," she giggled.

"I know right, and plus the twins will get to experience flying for the first time. Wait. Can they even fly at the age they're at right now?"

"Oh of course, they're almost a year old so they'll be okay," she said reassuringly.

"Alright we'll finish your breakfast. I'll get our things sorted and packed, trust me on your clothes I know what you love to wear and won't want to bring. I'll even pack for the twins," I said.

"I'm glad they're coming, because I was getting a bit worried not seeing them for almost a year," she said.

"So am I petal," I said. I gave her a wink as I left the kitchen and I saw she blushed before I left.

I went upstairs and into our room. I had seen Maddie already started packing for herself. She had already seemed about halfway packed, so I finished the rest of her packing for her.

I then threw almost all of the clothes I owned into my suitcase. I didn't care, but I knew Maddie was more precise with her clothing.

"Packed for us, I see," I heard a voice say from the door frame of our room.

"Indeed I am beautiful, I just need to pack for the twins and we'll be ready," I said as I wrapped both my arms around her.

"Mm, well be quiet when you go in there, they just went back to sleep," she said.


I went into the twins room ever so quietly. I looked over in each of their cribs and saw that they were sleeping. They were angels, and angels they would forever stay.

I went in their closet, which was separated in sides. Holly Mae had her own side, and Ben had his own. I packed their clothes, trying not to wake them.

Although when I heard one of them cry, I knew I had failed.

I went over to Ben's crib, where he was crying. It was strange because she never usually cried, Holly was more of the cryer.

"What's wrong little man?" I asked. I went over to the rocking chair that sat in an opposite corner of the room. I sat down with Ben in my arms and rocked him while cooing.

Maddie's POV

I heard one of the twins crying, which as a new mother, I had to go see what was wrong. It was just one of those new mother instincts.

I saw the door to their room was open, that's when I remember Roger was in there.

I looked through the door frame and saw Roger rocking Ben back to sleep. He cooed and talked ever so gently.

"Like father, like son," I said as I walked toward them.

Roger looked up and smiled, he blue eyes looking at my dark ones.

"Like mother, like daughter," he mocked as he pointed to Holly.

I went over to his side, and sat on the armchair. I laid a finger on Ben's face and stroked his cheek.

"You're so good to them," I said quietly.

"Same with you," he said as he looked up at me.

"I'm so glad you've finally gotten to show of how amazing a dad you are. I remember when you treated Lizzie and Jimmy as if they were your own children, and now you have your own children to show off," I said as I put my chin on top of his head.

"I wanted to wait on you. I wanted to wait until you were ready. I already knew you were going to make a good mum," he said as he kissed my wedding ring.

"This is all I ever wanted, is to have a family. Especially with the man I know I'll always love forever," I said as I ran a couple of fingers through his hair.

Love Of My Life {•Roger Taylor•} BOOK ONE Where stories live. Discover now