chapter sixteen;

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"Darlings, my buddy Roger here needs your guys' help. Rog get down here." Freddie said into his mic.

"Hey Denver, how are you doing tonight?" He asked. The crowd screamed and cheered as if Roger were an angel from heaven.

"I need your guys help, alright. There's this girl that I like, and I really want to tell her that I like her," he started, "Tonight I feel like it's finally the opportunity to do that." He said into the mic.

The crowd awww'ed as he started talking about a girl he liked. I thought it was cute that he would do this for someone that meant a lot to him.

"Can you guys help me call Maddie onto the stage?" He asked. The crowd started to yell my name, as I walked on they cheered.

I walked onto the stage, in front of thousands of people. I've been caught off guard this whole time, I didn't know what was going on.

"Maddie, the first time Fred set us up on that date, I thought you were just another snobby girl using us for money," he said into the mic, "This past month has been amazing with you. I'm glad Fred set me up with an amazing and beautiful girl like you."

I felt hot tears strolling down my face as the crowd watched in awe. They knew what Roger was going to do.

"So I guess what I'm trying to ask is... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I started to cry. In from of thousands of people. I didn't know what to think or say, but Roger looked nervous as ever. I nodded my head rapidly as he brought me into his arms for a tight embrace. I felt like that was the best day of my life. Cameras were flashing, people were cheering, I just wanted to stay in his embrace forever.

"I promise to take good care of you, through thick and thin. It took me a while to realize that I have feelings for you. Thank you for being such the strong girl you are." He said into the mic. I gave him another hug.

After that happened, I was star struck. One of the crew members brought out a stool for me to sit in next to Roger while he was playing the drums. They finished the show with the crowd in complete awe. I'm so happy I get to experience this with them.

We went back to the hotel, which we had to pack for the morning where we were leaving to go to Phoenix.

Love Of My Life {•Roger Taylor•} BOOK ONE Where stories live. Discover now