chapter fourty seven;

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February 14, 1975
Valentine's day

Roger's POV

Today was Valentine's Day and I needed to plan something special for Maddie. I love her with all my heart, and I want to do something big for her.

Maddie was out helping Freddie with something at his house, I had no idea what but he called and asked for her.

That gave me time.

I called The Rose Petal Restaurant to reserve the whole upstairs section for just Maddie and I.

"Hello Rose Petal Restaurant, how can I help you today?" The lady said.

"Hello, I need to reserve the upstairs area for tonight. I need the reservation name under Roger Taylor please." I said.

"Roger Taylor? As in THE Roger Taylor from Queen?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am, I need to reserve the whole upstairs for a date tonight." I said getting a bit annoyed.

"Of course! I'll book it for say 7pm? Sound good?"

"Sounds lovely, thank you." I said as I hung up the phone. I know that was going to cost me a lot, but that didn't matter to me. I only cared about making Maddie happy.

6:00 pm
Maddie's POV

I came home to an empty flat, Roger was no where in sight. Which was great because I could start packing his Valentine's present.

I had went to Freddie's earlier to get him to help me stitch Roger's name onto the black bathrobe I got him. I also golden chained necklace. It wasn't much, but I really hoped he liked it.

As I finished up packing his stuff up, I saw a note on our bedroom door.

Go to the Rose Petal Restaurant. Wear something nice. Go up the stairs and say my last name. They'll let you right in, beautiful. - rog x

I put on a red dress that had a small skirt. He loved it when I worse red.

Roger had left his car once again. I grabbed his keys and went to the Restaurant. I knew it was a fancy restaurant, but I didn't think much of it until I got there.

I arrived and went to the area Roger told me to go. I met face to face with a hostess who had a slight confused look on her face.

"Taylor," I said. Just like Roger told me to.

"Right this way," she said as she led me out onto a balcony.

That's when I met Roger's ocean blue eyes. He was sitting near the edge of it and looked off it. That was until he heard my heels clank against the floor.

I sat across from him. Love struck. Roger had done this for me? I grasped the present in my hand tighter as our eyes met.

"Hello beautiful," he said as he pressed a kiss against my hand.

"Hello Mr. Taylor. You look quite handsome tonight," I said in a posh accent. We laughed until the waitress came to set down a champagne bottle in between us.

"Champagne? Wow, I feel like a princess." I said as he poured it into our glasses.

"You are a princess my love, and I will always treat you that way." He said as we did our cheers.

We chatted the night away, and ate as we did. I had to say, Roger did go all out.

I handed him my gift and he opened it.

"Wow Maddie, this is amazing! Now if you ever steal my robe it'll remind me that you're mine," he smirked. He put on the gold chain necklace I got him and smiled.

He handed me a small box, I opened it and went into shock.

It had a little box with words and it said:

June 30, 1974

That's the day we started going out.

I was truly lucky to have Roger in my life.

Love Of My Life {•Roger Taylor•} BOOK ONE Where stories live. Discover now