chapter one hundred ninety five;

130 1 0

November 14, 1979

"Say happy birthday to mummy," Roger said as he held the twins.

"Appy Birday mummy!" They said.

"Aw, thank you two. And thank you Rog, especially for this cake. Who knew you could cook," I teased.

"You really need to catch up, Im an amazing cook," he boasted.

"Cake!" Holly said.

I cut pieces of cake, Roger handed Ben to me so we could feed ourselves and the twins cake.

"Mm, Rog that's actually really good," I said as I let the dark chocolate icing melt on my tongue.

"What did I tell her now hm?" Roger joked.

"I think Holly's enjoying it a bit too much," I giggled.

Holly had chocolate all over her face and hands. She picked up chunks of cake and shoved them into her mouth.

"I could say the same for Ben," He chuckled.

Ben did the same thing, but at least they liked the cake.

"Oh let them live a little, they just really like the cake," I said as I cut myself another piece.

"Woah there love, you've had like five pieces. You act like you're pregnant again," Roger chuckled.

I sat there in silence for a moment, I really wanted to scare the life out of him so I decided to make him think I was.

"Rog-" I said before I cut myself off.

"Maddie you're-" He gasped.

I nodded slowly and looked down at my cake, continuing to eat it.

"What?! For how long?" Roger asked.

"Three months..." I trailed off.

"You didn't tell me? How come?" He said a bit sad.

"Because I found out news that I know you're not going to cope with," I sighed.

"And what's that?" He asked.

"It's not one. It's not two. It's three," I said quietly.

I swear his eyes almost popped out of his head. I was trying so hard not to laugh.

"T-t-three-" Roger tried tot ale it in.

"I'm messing around Roger I'm not pregnant, although I am an amazing actress if I do say so myself," I laughed.

"Maddie oh my god love, don't do that to me. You almost gave me a fucking heart attack!" Roger said as he held his chest.

"I'm sorry, I thought it'd be funny. I promise if I ever do become pregnant, it won't stay a secret," I winked.

"Alright, let's take a stroll in the park. The autumn breeze is nice today," Roger said.

An hour later.

"No Roger, we can't get another dog not right now," I said as the twins held both my hands as they walked.

"But I think Princess needs a friend," he protests.

"She's got the twins," I said as I lifted the into my arms.

"Ben looks like me, but acts more like you. Holly looks like you, but acts like me. I think that's cute," Roger smiled.

"I want a girl that looks like me and acts like me. Not a girl that looks like me and acts like a mini Roger Taylor," I laughed.

"What's wrong with being a mini me?" He asks in shock.

"She's probably going to end up locking herself in a cupboard someday god damnit," I said as I bursted out into laughter.

"Again with that damn cupboard! I still got what I wanted so unless she gets what she wants it'll be alright," he joked.

"This is all I want to do. I want to be here with my family," I said as I nuzzled myself into Roger's chest.

"Me too petal, me too."

Love Of My Life {•Roger Taylor•} BOOK ONE Where stories live. Discover now