chapter eighty three;

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October 24, 1975
Roger's POV

I know I've only been with Maddie for a year and a half, but something about her just tells me she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I sat on the living room sofa with Maddie snuggled in my arms. We've been inseparable since we got together. And now she's going to be in my life forever.

"Maddie?" I whispered. I got no answer. She had fallen asleep.

I was about to pick her up and bring her upstairs, but Michael had come down, and he started a conversation with me.

"How did you meet Maddie?" He asked.

"That guy, Freddie, he went to college with her and he set us up early last year." I explained as she shifted her position.

"Freddie? What's his last name, I may know it."

"His last name is Mercury, but he had it changed to that. His actual last name is Bulsara." I said as I stroked Maddie's cheek.

His face went blank, as if he knew something. "I thought he looked familiar, him and Maddie always hung out together. Even more than her and I did while we were dating."

I nodded and pressed a kiss on Maddie's forehead.

"But there's something you should know. She's been lying to you." He whispered in my ear. What the hell?

"Woah woah, what do you mean lying?" I asked him.

"While you've been recording at the studio, she's been talking to me more. There's a few times she's made out with me behind your back."

My eyes widened in horror. Has she actually been doing that?

"And you didn't bother to stop her?" I shouted, luckily Maddie didn't wake up.

I got up and set Maddie on the couch.

"She didn't want me to tell you, she wanted to keep it secret. I thought I'd tell you she's been cheating before you marry a liar." He said.

Was this true? It couldn't be. Maddie always told me nothing but the truth.

"You'd be surprised if you heard the things she's told me," he said before he walked out of the room.

I went upstairs, I had to comprehend what was going on. Maddie was a liar, and I've fallen for the wrong girl once again. I can't believe she fucking cheated on me and told Michael to keep it a secret. Why the hell must all of the girls I meet use me? I need to call off this engagement fast before I marry someone that's not meant to be.

After about fifteen minutes, Maddie came in. She rubbed her eyes and came to lay on top of me.

"Hello love, sorry I fell asleep on you down there," she said as she laid her head on my chest.

Where do I even start with this? How do I bring it up?

"It's alright, I just thought I'd come up here. You looked peaceful while you were sleeping." I said, putting on a fake smile.

I could tell she knew something was up. But I already knew what was up with her so it didn't matter.

"Is everything alright?" She asked.

"I could ask the same for you," I said.

"What do you mean Rog?" She asked, propping her head up.

"Madelyn, I can't believe I've been wasting my time with a liar."

Maddie's POV

The engagement's off? A liar? He even called me Madelyn. This wasn't him at all, what was wrong?

"What do you mean by a liar? Hell why are you even calling me by my full name?" I asked confused.

"Oh don't act like you didn't cheat on me with Michael, he told me straight to my face. I'm surprised you didn't confess once you did it, I would've most likely forgiven you, but you didn't. You're a liar Madelyn, a fake." He said.

Hot tears started streaming down my face, what the hell was going on?

"Cheating?! I never cheated on you! Rog, you're the love of my life. Why the hell would I ever cheat on you?" I shouted.

"Oh save it. I can't do this anymore. Why have you been lying to me may I ask?"

"Rog what the hell? I didn't cheat on you, I would never do that ever. Fuck, I haven't even been together with Michael for years. You can ask Fred, I haven't kissed him since we've been a couple. I don't even talk to him anymore, even when I see him around here. He's cheated on me Rog, I don't forgive him for that. I wouldn't want you to feel the pain I went through whenever I found out he was seeing someone behind my back." I said, hoping he would listen to me.

"I need proof," I said before walking out and leaving her in there alone. I felt terrible if it wasn't true, but what if it was?

Love Of My Life {•Roger Taylor•} BOOK ONE Where stories live. Discover now