Chapter 1: The Boy

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The Orphanages owners name is Kim

Kim: So this is his room.

Luka: What's his name?

Kim: We don't know.

Grace: How could you not know his name?

Kim: He came from a broken home, mother was killed taking a wrong turn going home, father was an unemployed drunk who would shove the little guy in the cupboards.

Grace: How awful.

Luka: What about the other families who wanted him?

Kim: They brought him back for unknown reasons.

Luka: Do you know his birthday?

Kim: Yes June fourth will be his sixth birthday.

Grace: Can we see him.

Kim: Of course.

Kim knocks on the door

Kim: There is a lovely couple who would like to see you, could you open the door?

Three locks are removed from the inside and the door opens.

Three locks are removed from the inside and the door opens

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Grace: Hi there, I'm your new mama.

Boy: Mama?

(Here's what she looks like)

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(Here's what she looks like)

Grace: Yes but you don't have to call me that.

The boy hugs her

Grace pats his back soothingly

Grace: It's ok we're here.

Luka: Yeah little guy.

Luka goes into pat his head. The boy flinches and hides behind Kim

Kim: He's just scared.

Grace: We're gonna take you home okay.

Boy: Ok.

Grace: Do you like pokemon?

Boy: Yes.

Grace: Me and your new dad have tones back home, infact we have two now. Espeon come out.

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