Chapter 47: Flying Fire! Shocking Future!

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Sora pov

We were on a path heading to Anistar City, Fletchinder was on Kuzas left shoulder followed with Pichu on the other, Trish holding his hand, Meowstic on my right shoulder with Dewott by my side, Bisharp by Toms side, and Alices Meowstic on her shoulder

How much longer until we get to Anistar City? Trish asked

About another two hours. Tom replied

Why don't we take a break and have some lunch? Kuza asked

Oh yes. Can we please? Alice asked

I can eat. I repiled

"After setting everything up"

Lunch will be ready in twenty minutes. Tom said, stirring some soup

Slurpuff, Seviper, Prinplup come on out

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Slurpuff, Seviper, Prinplup come on out. Kuza said, and let them out of their balls

Litleon, Monferno, Croagunk, Frogadier come on out. I said, and let them out

Linoone you too. Alice said, and let her Linoone out

Noone. Her Linoone yawned

Hey Kuza, want to have a battle? I asked

Yeah bring it on. Kuza replied

"Two minutes later"

Use Flamethrower! I yelled

Leon! Litleon roared, and fired flames from his mouth

Use Flame Charge! Kuza yelled

Fletchinder engulfed its body in flames, and met the Flamethrower head on

Tchinder! Fletchinder cried, struggling to get through the attack

Don't give up, Fletchinder I believe in you! Kuza yelled

Der! Fletchinder cried, and a bright light came from it

What the? I asked, looking at the light

Talon! Kuzas newly evolved pokemon cried

Talon! Kuzas newly evolved pokemon cried

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