Chapter 187: The Final Chapter!

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"At the Star Spire"

Ryoto walks up the stairs and reaches the top

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Ryoto walks up the stairs and reaches the top. He sees Richter and the cloaked man from the temple

Ryoto: Where are Cyrus and Lysander?

Cloaked man: Lysander is on the west side to stop intruders. Cyrus is on the east for the same reason. We have a new one at the bottom of the stairs, I see he let you through with no problems as ordered.

Ryoto: Yes. Now are we going to fight or not? After our last one was so rudely interrupted.

Richter: Let us begin! Ditto, go!

Richter lets Ditto out

Ditto: Tto!

Ryoto: Infernape, go!

Ryoto lets Infernape out

Infernape: Nape!

Ditto transforms into Infernape

Richter: Prepare to be destroyed.

The sky dark

Ryoto: This is your influence isn't it?

Richter: I want there to be a world of only darkness. So that Arceus will appear and I will control it's power to make a world with no humans or Pokémon!

Ryoto: You and everyone else that have tried to control Pokémon are nut cases. Lysander would've been dead if you hadn't brought him through time.

Ryoto gets Infernape in its Pokéball and lets Banette out

Banette: Ban!

Ryoto: Mega Evolve!

Ryoto Mega Evolves Banette

Mega Banette: Ban!

Dittos fingers turn into Mega Banettes claws

Ryoto: Use Shadow Claw!

Richter: Thunder Punch!

Mega Banette throws Shadow Ball, Ditto runs, destroys Shadow Ball with Thunder Punch and hits Mega Banette

"In a truck on the road to Core Town"

Natsu and the other kids sit in a large truck bed

Beth: Can't this thing go any faster?!

Driver: I am going the speed limit!

Gio: There's nothing to worry about. Ryoto can handle himself.

Beth: He's never battled someone like this. I'm scared.

"At Star Spire"

Mega Banette hits the floor and returns to its normal form. Ryoto gets Banette in its Pokéball, then lets Metagross out

Metagross: Meta!

Dittos claws become coated in steel

Ryoto: Use Meteor Mash!

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