Chapter 114: A Friendly Reunion!

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"On the sea plane, twnety minutes earlier"

Natsu: Hey look, Wailord!

Clair: Wow!

Mick: I've only seen Wailord in books. They're bigger than I imagined.

Wingull fly next to the plane

Natsu: And Wingull too.

Mick: The Hoenn region's known for its Wingull flocks, but this one is impressive too!

Natsu aims his pokedex at the Wingull

Pokedex: Wingull, the Seagull Pokémon, a Water and Flying type

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Pokedex: Wingull, the Seagull Pokémon, a Water and Flying type. It rides upon ocean winds as if it were a glider. In the winter, it hides food around its nest.

Lindsey: Eastern Unova has several kinds of Pokémon that can be found in other regions.

Natsu: Cool!

The plane lands and they exit it

Natsu: We're finally here!

Lindsey: You are definitely Nate's son, especially with that excitement.

???: Yo! Lindsey, about time you got here.

Lindsey: Hello to you too honey.

They turn their heads and see Ryuki

Natsu: Hey uncle Ryuki!

Ryuki: Natsu, it's been awhile. You've gotten taller.

Natsu: Yup.

Ryuki: The car is ready. Shall we go?

Lindsey: Of course.

"They get in the car and Ryuki drives"

Lindsey: Undella Town is a very nice town, and the perfect place for a vacation. Ryuki and I come here whenever we want to, and since Hannah is the Veilstone Gym Leader she doesn't really need us all that much.

Clair: It's so nice here.

Mick: I want to see as many Pokémon as I can while we're here!

Natsu: Me too! Whoa!

Clair: What?

Natsu: Those are Rattata!

Clair and Mick look out the window and see a lot of Rattata

Clair: They're so cute!

Meloetta appears on Natsu's shoulder

Meloetta: Mel!

Natsu: Meloetta!

Clair: It must have been following us.

Lindsey: Actually I think it was following Natsu.

Ryuki: So we got an extra guest huh? Nice.

The car stops, and Meloetta disappears

Natsu: Aw man.

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