Chapter 17: Alola!

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Sora pov

Professor Chloe sent us all down to Melemele Island in the Alola region to find and catch some Alolan pokemon, but we decided to go to the beach for awhile

I brought Persian, Zangoose, Raboot, Riolu, Oshawott, and Gengar. Alice brought Wartortle, Zigzagoon, Swellow, and Beedrill. Karen brought Empoleon, Lucario, and Luxray. Tom brought Mightyena, Charmeleon, Pawniard, and Electabuzz. Liana brought Feraligatr, Yamper, and Raichu. Ryon brought Lycanroc, Grovyle, and Krookodile.

Everyone brought swimsuits and were in the water

Ah this is nice! Liana yelled with joy, her hair down, and soaking wet

We needed this vacation. Alice said, and splashed Tom with water in the face, making herself laugh

Oh ha ha, really funny. Tom said sarcastically

Hey guys in a little while I want to go to Ten Carat Hill. Ryon said, getting out of thw water

Why what's there? Liana asked, also getting out of water

That's where I met Lycanroc as a little Rockruff. Ryon said, stroking Lycanrocs mane

Oh that reminds I never checked Lycanrocs data. Karen said, then went to her bag to get her phone

Lycanroc the Wolf pokemon, a rock type, midnight form, it has no problem ignoring orders it doesn't like, it doesn't seem to mind getting hurt at all-as long as it can finish off its opponent, and depending on what time it is Rockruff will evolve into five forms. Karens phone said

So if that's midnight form, what are the other five forms. Karen asked

There is Dawn, Eclipse, Shadow, Midday and Dusk. Her phone replied

My dad has a Dawn form Lycanroc, and he was the first pokemon my dad caught when he came to Alola. I said

Ten Carat Hill is filled with Rockruff packs, and other pokemon. Ryon said

A big splash was heard in the water that knocked Tom out of it and onto the sand

Woah Tom are you ok? Alice asked, bending down to look at him

A giant pokemon knocked me out the water. Tom said then fainted

Well than I'm cathing it. I said, than pulled a fishing rod out from my bag, and casted it into the water

The fishing float went down and I was almost pulled into the ocean

A little help guys! I yelled, Karen wrapped her arms around my waist, then Alice did the same to Karen, Ryon did the same to Alice, and our pokemon did the same to them

Gengar use Psychic and bring it out here! I yelled

Gar! Gengar yelled and used Psychic to bring the pokemon onto the beach

It's a Magikarp. Ryon said

I pulled .y phone out and scanned it

Magikarp, the fish pokemon, a water type, thanks to their strong hold on life, dirty water doesn't bother them at all, they live in waters all over the world. My phone said

What moves does it know? I asked my phone

Obviously splash. Ryon said

This Magikarp knows Hydro Pump and Splash. My phone said

Oh come on! Ryon yelled

Is is just me or does this Magikarp look bigger than the poke dex picture? I asked

It does. Karen said in shock

Alright then, poke ball get it in. I said, tossing the ball gently at Magikarps head

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