Chapter 175: Masters Eight Tournament! Part 6!

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"In the waiting room in the stadium"

Natsu and Clair stand at the door

Natsu: I'm glad you got to enjoy the tournament.

Clair: What do you mean "got to?" I'm winning today, and then I'm going to the semi finals.

Natsu: Not if I can help it.

Lucario gets out of its Pokéball on its own

Lucario: Ar.

Clair: Morning, Lucario.

Lucario does some shadow boxing

Natsu: Sorry, Lucario, but I was going to use someone else for the battle.

Lucario sulks

Clair: Let's get going.

Natsu, Clair, and Lucario walk down the hall and go down two different hallways

"On the battlefield"

Announcer: This next battle is a battle between friends! Please give it up for Clair!

Clair steps onto her spot as the crowd cheers

Announcer: And Natsu!

Natsu and Lucario step onto their spot, the crowd cheers

Announcer: A long time ago, Natsu and Clair traveled the Unova Region together before going their separate ways. The last time these two battled according to the records was in the Great Class where Natsu won, and reached the Ultra Class.

Ref: Please bring out your Pokémon! Three! Two! One!

Clair throws a Pokéball

Natsu: Tigra, let's go!

Tigra: Gra!

Clair: Haxorus, you're up!

Haxorus comes out of the Pokéball and lands on its feet. Tigra jumps off Natsu's shoulder and stands on all fours in front of Haxorus

Haxorus: Hax!

Tigra: Gra!

Haxorus and Tigra smirk at one another

Announcer: Both Trainers are using their strongest Pokémon!

Ref: Battle begin!

Natsu: Iron Tail!

Tigra hits Haxorus under the chin with Iron Tail, then hits its head with Iron Tail

Clair: Still quick on its feet. Use Dragon Pulse!

Natsu: Thunderbolt!

Tigra: Gra!

Haxorus: Hax!

Haxorus fires Dragon Pulse, and Tigra uses Thunderbolt. The attacks collide and explode

Natsu: Electroweb!

Tigra uses Electroweb and pins Haxorus down

Clair: What's this?

Natsu: Now Iron Tail!

Tigra jumps up and spins with Iron Tail

Clair: Use Breaking Swipe!

Haxorus breaks free with Breaking Swipe and hits Tigra high into the air

Clair: How'd you like that?

Natsu: It's just what we wanted!

Clair: Huh?

Natsu: Use Iron Tail!

Tigra rolls up into a ball and falls with Iron Tail

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