Chapter 74: Team Battles, World Championships

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"In the Azoth Kingdom, Kalos region"

Omega stands in a big cylinder like room with metal on the walls. Eight trainers with dragon types stand around him, wicked smiles on their faces

Omega: What's the point in bringing me here just to have me battle weaklings? I don't like having my time wasted.

On the metal plates on the wall moves, revealing a girl standing behind glass

Girl: Now now, Omega, calm down. This is just to see how powerful your Dragonite is compared to their dragon types.

(This is what the girl looks like)

Omega: Fine. Dragonite, go!

Omega throws a pokeball up, and his Dragonite looks down on the other dragon types

Girl: Battle begin.

All the dragon types on the ground leap and fly at Dragonite

Omega: You don't stand a chance against us. Tear them apart! Go get 'em, Dragonite! Raging Claw!

Dragonites claws glow bright red, and extend. Dragonite jabs its claws into their faces one at a time, hitting them into the walls. Dragonite lands infront of Omega and yawns

Trainer 1: No way.

Trainer 2: Impossible.

Trainer 3: They beat us all with just one attack.

Omega: Ahahaha!

Girl: Well done, Omega. Now let's see what you can do against the third strongest member of the Azoth Kings team.

The trainers get their pokémon back in their balls, and leave the room through doors that slide open behind them. A boy walks in

Boy: Omega Fang. My name is Kyoma Hantei, I will take you down here and now.

Omega: Is there a catch if you beat me?

Girl: If he wins you must join the team. You win, and you can do whatever you want.

Omega: I have no interest in joining this team.

Omega gets Dragonite back in its ball, and pulls out another one

Kyoma: Meet Chesnaught.

Kyoma opens a pokeball

Chestnaught: Chest!

Omega: Urshifu, go!

Omega opens the pokeball, and Urshifu glares at Chestnaught

Kyoma: I've never seen an Urshifu like this.

A masked man with one arm walks into the room and stands next to the girl

???: How is it going, Rina?

Rina: The battle is just about to start, Mr. Hyo.

Hyo: Our dragon type trainers lost much faster I'm guessing.

Rina: Sadly yes.

Hyo: Omega, I have high hopes for you. So don't let me down.

Kyoma: Vine Whip!

Vines stick out from Chestnaughts back, wrap around Urshifu and pin it to the wall

Omega: Urshifu, don't move.

Kyoma: Now hit it with multiple Drain Punches!

Chestnaught pulls Urshifu over and punches it back into the wall with Drain Punch, it does this multiple times

Kyoma: What is this? I thought you were the worlds second best trainer.

Omega: Is this how you became this teams third best trainer? Just hitting your opponent into the wall with Drain Punch and pulling them back with Vine Whip? How boring, how sad it must feel to win without using everything you've got.

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