Chapter 151: Nightmares!

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"In the meeting room at Gara Laboratory"

Natsu and Gio look at the monitor. It shows people with bags under their eyes

Natsu: Nightmares?

Professor Gara: Correct. We've received word that the residents in a few areas have been having nightmares.

Gio: And a Pokémon is the cause of this?

Professor Gara: Also correct. And nightmares in this region can only mean one thing.

Kris: Right.

Kris presses a button, and Darkrai appears on the monitor

Kris presses a button, and Darkrai appears on the monitor

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Kris: The Pitch Black Pokémon, Darkrai. It has the power to give people and Pokémon nightmares when they're asleep.

Natsu: Darkrai? Not again.

Gio: You've seen it before?

Natsu: Yeah. It's really strong! Right bud?

Tigra: Gra!

Professor Gara: This is where you two come in. Please investigate this before Darkrai comes here.

Natsu: On it.

Gio: Leave it to us.


Natsu and Gio run out the lab. Blake and Eevee walk to the lab

Gio: See you later, Blake!

Professor Gara: Be safe!

Blake: Are they on a reaserch assignment?

Professor Gara: That's right. You're home early.

Blake: We just final assemblys today.

Kris opens the door

Kris: Professor?

Professor Gara: Yes?

Kris: The checks on the eggs are all done.

Professor Gara: Excellent.

Blake: Then I'm going home. Let's go, Eevee.

Blake and Eevee run away

Blake: And Mom, I'm really looking forward to our family vacation!

Professor Gara: Same here. Wait, vacation!?

"At Blake's house"

Blake: What do you mean no vacation!?

Professor Gara: You see I'm taking care of some eggs back at my lab and they're gonna hatch soon, and I can't miss this. I'm sorry!

Benny: And I have to work the whole week.

Blake: We planned this vacation months ago! And I was looking forward to it! Kenny, weren't you set on going?

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