Chapter 105: Riolu's Special Training!

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"In the forest"

Natsu ties a black headband, with a purple flame design on his forehead

Natsu: Okay Riolu use Double Team!

Riolu uses Double Team and surrounds Tigra

Natsu: Tigra use Iron Tail!

Tigra rolls up into a ball and destroys each double

Natsu: Riolu block Iron Tail!

Riolu thrusts its arm foward and keeps the still rolling Tigra in place

Natsu: Riolu, now use Vacuum Wave!

Riolu uses Vacuum Wave and hits Tigra into the air

Natsu: Now use Reversal!

Riolu jumps after Tigra and punches it onto a tree

Mick: That's it! I'm calling it.

Natsu: Excellent work, Riolu.

Tigra walks over

Tigra: Gra?

Natsu: You did amazing too.

Natsu pets them both

Clair: Riolu's gotten really strong.

Natsu: And we're gonna keep getting stronger together. All of us.

Riolu punches the air

Mick: You still want to battle?

Riolu: Iolu.

Clair: Maybe you should help Riolu learn a new move. Maybe a Normal type move that can deal damage with a Z Move.

Natsu: You up for that, Riolu?

Riolu nods. Natsu takes his pokedex out

Natsu: Pokedex, what Normal type moves can Riolu learn that can cause damage?

Pokedex: Riolu can learn the following Normal type moves: Quick Attack, Copycat, Swift, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, and Retaliate. However, your Riolu lacks the experience needed to learn any of these moves.

Natsu: If lack experience, than we'll learn Quick Attack.

Riolu: Olu!

Natsu: Tranquill come on out!

Natsu throws a pokeball into the air and Tranquill comes out

Tranquill: Quill!

Clair: Tranquill?

Natsu: Tranquill knows Quick Attack, so it'll be help Riolu learn it.

Mick: But which move will Riolu forget?

Natsu: I think I'll leave that choice to Riolu.

Riolu: Ri.

Natsu: Okay, Tranquill, show Riolu a Quick Attack.

Tranquill uses Quick Attack in the air

Natsu: You see that, Riolu?

Riolu nods

Mick: So what's your plan with this move?

Natsu: Simple. Tranquill, use Quick Attack and cirlce this clearing! Riolu chase after Tranquill.

Tranquill flies in a cirlce with Quick Attack close to the ground. Riolu trying to keep up

Clair: Tranquill is so much faster compared to Riolu.

Natsu: Don't give up, Riolu!

Mick: You can do it!

Riolu speeds up, and gets closer

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