Chapter 45: A New Style!

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Sora pov, Laverre city shopping mall battlefield

Meowstic use Shadow Ball! Alice yelled

Heracross use Megahorn! Alices oppenent, Greg yelled

Meowstic threw a purple ball at Heracross who broke through it, and slammed Meowstic down on the ground hard

Meowstic! Alice screamed with worry, then ran over to Meowstic who had her eyes in the shape of swirls

Meowstic is unable to battle, Heracross wins. Which means the battle goes to Greg of Saffron City! A blue Rotom drone yelled

Alright! Greg yelled, and started flexing hid muscles, as did Heracross

Meowstic, take a good rest. Alice said, got her back in her ball, and put it in her pocket

So uh, Alice, can I get your number? Greg asked, blushing like crazy

I'm flattered really, but I don't have a phone, and I don't think my dad would want me to date anyone, especially since I'm only eleven. Alice replied

Oh uh, that's cool. Heracross return. Bye! Greg yelled, than ran off

What was that about? Tom asked

Who knows. I repiled

They are so dense. Trish said

What do you mean? Kuza asked

Of course, you're the same. Trish replied

Which two trainers are next? The drone asked

I am. Me and someone else said

Cameron. I said with a low growl

Loser. Cameron replied, than we walked onto the field

Please bring your pokemon out! The drone yelled

Dewott, lets go. I said

Wott. Dewott said, and walked onto the field

Ursaring, break it! Cameron yelled, and threw an ultra ball

Ring! Ursaring roared

Battle...start! The drone yelled, and a reference model came up

Use Razor Shell on the back of its knees, than use Ice Beam on its feet! I yelled

Dewott ran and got behind Ursaring, than slashed the back of its knees, making it lean on one, and froze it to the ground

Ursaring, bend back and grab it, then go foward and slam it into the ground! Cameron yelled

Ursaring bent back, grabbed Dewott by his arms, and slammed him head first in the ground

Hold it with one hand, and use Focus Blast with the other! Cameron yelled

Ursaring held Dewott tigher with one hand, and held a blue sphere at his stomach, then it exploded

Dew! Dewott cried in pain

Dewott! I yelled with worry

Throw it up in the air, and use Hyper Beam! Cameron yelled

Ring! Ursaring roared, than threw Dewott up high, and fired an orange beam at him, creating a big explosion

Dewott! I yelled, than he landed on his stomach

Wott. Dewott said, and began to struggle has he slowly got on one knee, panting wildly

Dewott, we can't lose to this guy again. I said, as I felt my heart beating faster, and my voice becoming cold, than everything went black

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