Chapter 49: Final Symbol!

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Sora pov

We were in an underground ice cave for the rest of my battle against Drake. Dewott by my side, and Meowstic on my shoulder

Sora? Alice asked

Yeah? I asked back

Do you have a plan? She asked

Yeah. I plan to win. I repiled, looking at her from the corner of my eye

What kind of plan is that? Kuza asked

The best plan. I repiled, and walked onto the field

About time. Drake said, arms crossed, the entire cave covered in ice but our spaures on the field

I'm not leaving until I get that symbol. I said

Abomasnow, lets go! Drake yelled, and threw a pokeball

Snow! His Abomasnow roared

Greninja, lets go! I yelled, and threw Greninjas pokeball

Ninja. Greninja said

Show me what you've got. Drake said

Use Aerial Ace! I yelled

Greninjas fist glowed white, then it punched Abomasnows face in, then its foot glowed white, and it kneed Abomasnow in the stomach and back flipped to me, crossing its arms

Use Wood Hammer! Drake yelled

Abomasnows arm turned into a wood log and grew longer, then forced Greninja into a wall

Ja! Greninja cried in pain

Greninja! I yelled with worry

Grenin! Greninja yelled, grabbed the Wood Hammer, and threw Abomasnow into a wall

Snow! Abomasnow roared

Use Ice Shard! Drake yelled

Abomasnow fired crystals of ice that hit Greninja in the face

Greninja, run on the Wood Hammer and use Cut! I yelled

Greninja ran on the Wood Hammer, created a white sword, and slashed Abomasnow, the Wood Hammer faded

Use Ice Punch! Drake yelled

Abomasnow encased its fist in ice, and punched Greninja in the stomach, then it exploded

Ja! Greninja yelled in pain, and started rolling on the ground

Greninja, are you ok? I asked

Ja. Greninja said, and got back up

Lets get stonger. I said, as I began to see only Abomasnow

Ja. Greninja said, and we made fists on our hips

Stronger! I roared

Ja! Greninja roared, and wad surrounded by red water

Ja! Greninja roared, and wad surrounded by red water

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