Chapter 55: A Special Gift!

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Nathan pov

I had just woken up, I didn't know time it was, and I didn't care. I just wanted to alone. I had my Scorrbunny plush against my chest, squeezing it tightly. I miss my home, and family. I want to go there so badly

Nathan, time to wake up. A soft voice said, as I felt a hand on my shoulder, shaking me very gently

Mommy! I cheered, after throwing the blankets off me, but it wasn't her

I'm sorry, Nathan. Liana said, as she picked me up out of the bed and hugged

I miss her. I said, and started crying

I know. But she'll get better really soon. Liana replied, as I felt her make circles on my back

When is soon? I asked, looking at her

I don't know. Are you hungry? She asked

Not really. I said

Why don't you come and sit with us at the table. I'll make whatever you want for breakfast, how does that sound? She asked with a smile

Ok. I said, and rested my head on her chest again, as I felt her walk

When we got to the kitchen she sat me next to a girl with short blonde hair, and blue eyes

When we got to the kitchen she sat me next to a girl with short blonde hair, and blue eyes

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Hi there. She said with a smile, a pancake on a plate infront of her

Hi. I said timidly, and looked down at my plushy

My names Lindsey. What's your name? She asked

Nathan. I said

Nice to meet you. She said

Uh huh. I replied, and huddled my knees to my chest, and wrapped my arms around them

Nathan, any breakfast requests? Liana asked, as I saw her tie her hair into a long ponytail from her shadow on the table

Dango? I asked

Coming right up. She said, and I began to hear pans move around

Morning honey. I heard male voice yawn, as Ryon walked in

Morning. Liana said

Thank you for the pancake, daddy. Lindsey said

Your welcome. Ryon said, and be took a seat infront of me

You don't want to talk much, do you? Ryon asked

Hmmm. I replied, and hugged my legs harder

That's a Scorbunny right? He asked

Uh huh. I said

That's what you want your first pokemon to be right? He asked

I don't care what my first pokemon is, as long as I can leave to mommy. I said

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