Chapter 88: First Title Match!

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"In the Pokémon School"

Everyone in the school sits in the auditorium, a Rotom Drone playing live footage of Manalo Conference

Announcer: I hope you're all ready! It's finally the day of the Title Match between Nate Winters, and Sai Steel! These two trainers are both members of the Oblivia Ragers. So this is sure to be an action backed battle!

Sai and Nate step onto the small squares, the crowd cheers

Sai: The Manalo Conference crowd is really psyched.

Nate: Yeah, I guess they really like me.

Sai: They're cheering for me.

Nate: Yeah we'll see about that.

Rotom Drone: This title match will be a one on one battle, no substitutions. When one sides pokémon is unable to continue, the battle will be over. Are both trainers in understanding?

Nate and Sai: Yes.

Rotom Drone: Please bring out your pokémon, in three!

Crowd: Two!

Nate and Sai: One! Lets go!

They throw their pokeballs, Bisharp emerges from its ball, and Tigra emerges from its ball

Bisharp: Sharp!

Tigra: Gra!

Announcer: Sai goes in with his ace pokémon, and the champion uses Tigra.

Rotom Drone: Battle begin!

Nate: You can have the first move.

Sai: Hope you won't regret it. Use Iron Head!

Bisharp charges at Tigra

Nate: Grab it!

Tigra grabs Bisharps horn

Sai: Now Slash!

Bisharp swings its arm

Nate: Thunderbolt!

Tigra zaps Bisharp

Nate: Now Power Up Punch!

Tigra punches Bisharp in the chest, and Bisharp slides back on its feet

Announcer: Tigra lands two powerful attacks, and with that Power Up Punch, its attack power has increased.

Nate: Use Wild Charge!

Tigra gets on all fours, its body gets covered in electricity, and runs to Bisharp

Sai: Dodge with Focus Blast!

Bisharp throws a Focus Blast between its feet and shoots up into the air

Nate: Not bad.

Sai: You haven't seen anything yet. Use Focus Blast again!

Bisharp throws two Focus Blasts at Tigra

Nate: Knock them away with Power Up Punch!

Tigra pushes the Focus Blasts away with Power Up Punch, Bisharp right in its face

Sai: Time to end this. Ultimate Move: Cyclone Slash!

Bisharps blades extend, and throws its arms down

Nate: Ultimate Move: Thunder Breaker!

Tigra makes a fist of red lightning, and punches Bisharps blades

Sai and Nate: Raaaaah! Now, at full power!

Red energy surrounds Nate and Tigra, purple energy surrounds Sai and Bisharp

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