Chapter 23: Mighty Vermilions VS Ground Beaters!

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Sora pov

Ren, Liana, Ryon, Alice, Tom, and I were in the main room, discussing who would battle with professor Chole

I've decided that for this round, Ren will be the advanced gaurd, Ryon will the second in command, and Sora will be the commander. Professor Chole said

Ok, what pokemon do our oppents use? Ren asked

I don't know, in there battle against the Saffron City, there commander took on all three trainers, than won with one hit. Chloe said

What pokemon did they use? I asked

He used a Swampert. It's very powerful. Chloe replied

Dew Dewott Dew. Dewott said, walking into the room

What's wrong Dewott? I asked my water type

Wott. Dewott replied, placing his paw on his chest

You want to battle? I asked

Dew. Dewott replied, nodding his head

Ok than, I'll use you in the Kanto finals. I said, placing my hand on Dewotts

I'll use Sceptile. Ren said

And I'll use Grovyle. Ryon said

"Day of the Battle, in Viridian City gym"

Welcome boys and girls, to the Kanto World Championship battle, the winning team will go international, advanced guards stay where you are, second in commands, and commanders take your seats on the benches. The Rotom drone said, than me and Ryon sat on the bench

The advanced guard for the Ground Beaters is Luren Vance, and the advanced gurad for the Mighty Vermilions is Ren Cage! The drone yelled, as a girl threw her cloak back

The advanced guard for the Ground Beaters is Luren Vance, and the advanced gurad for the Mighty Vermilions is Ren Cage! The drone yelled, as a girl threw her cloak back

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So this is where you've been, all this time? Ren asked her

Yes, after you ran away from that Ursaring and I got hurt, my dad moved us out to Kanto. Luren said, with much anger

I'm so so sorry. Ren said sadly

A little to late for that. Luren replied

Trainers please bring out your pokemon. The Rotom drone said, than hovered high above the field

Pidgeot go! Luren yelled, throwing a pokeball in the air

Pid! Lurens Pidgeot roared

Sceptile lets go! Ren yelled and threw his pokeball straight

Sceptile! Sceptile roared

So you kept that Treecko after all. Luren said

I would never get rid of a strong pokemon. Ren replied

Battle begin! The drone yelled

Use Aerial Ace. Luren said

Use Dragon Claw on its back! Ren yelled

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