Chapter 115: The Other Winters!

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"At Cerise Laboratory, in the main meeting room"

Nate and Cinderace stand side by side as Liana moves screens around on the main monitor

Liana: You sure about this?

Nate: Striker told me that members of my clan are being forced into illegal underground battle tournaments. Podding them and making their darkness come out by force. Children have been going missing the past three monthes, their parents were taken out by these people.

Liana: Aren't these kids like your cousins or something?

Nate: I was able to get a full background report on my dead grandpa. He never donated sperm, or well he tried to but there was no life in any of them.

Liana: So you and all these kids have the same last name?

Nate: Yes, but we're not related so let's just get that clear.

Liana: Based on from what your dad told me about the Winters, your family first came from Galar, when a woman found a meteor in the ground and touched it, which created this darkness all Winters have.

Nate: Then when the people of Galar got attacked by the Winters, the Onzo's came and drove us all out of Galar, few weren't killed.

Liana: There have been rumors about underground battles in Vermilion City, but cops are to lazy to do a thorough search.

Nate: Which is where I come in. Lucario can find them with Aura.

Liana: How long are you going to be doing this for? I would image little Natsu's journey in Unova will end soon won't it?

Nate: When the Unova League is over I'll give him a call to head to my parents home in Sinnoh. There's no telling when I'll save all these kids.

Liana: You understand this could get you and your Pokémon killed right?

Nate: That's a risk I think we're willing to take.

Cinderace: Cinder.

Cinderace nods

Liana: And you know this could leave Natsu without parents?

Nate: Yeah, I know.

Liana: Maybe you should try to find Gwen first. Or ask Sai to do that.

Nate: All right. I'll ask Sai to find his sister.

Liana: Was there any other reason for coming here?

Nate: I need help building a center for these kids to live in, where me and other trainers can help them control their darkness.

Liana: So you came here for money?

Nate: That's right.

Liana: All right. There's a building in the Hoenn region I could buy you which has been on the market for years. But no one wanted to buy it since Rose owned it after faking his death.

Nate: I'll take it.

Liana presses a button and the word "purchased" appears

Liana: Done. Now go save those kids.

Nate: Yeah.

"In an underground battle arena"

Nate stands at the top row wearing a dark sweatshirt with the hood covering his face. Lights shinning on the battlefield with two kids standing on both ends, their Pokémon out on the field, both Pokémon and trainers wearing shock colors

Announcer: I hope you're ready for this folks! We have Kylie Winters and her Dragonite vs Ryuko Winters and her Haxorus! All bets are in! Let's get this started!

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