Chapter 184: Reunion Before The Finals!

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"At the Wyndon Bus Terminal, four days after last chapter"

Natsu and his Pokémon stand near some benches with Gio, Infernape, Alex, and Lizzie

Alex: What's taking them so long?

Gio: They'll get here. Don't worry.

Natsu: I can't wait to have my Mom's cooking.

Gio: That breakfast she made for us was the best meal I've ever had in my life.

Alex: Better be as good as you say it is.

A bus pulls in, and the doors open. Taylor and Wyveon jump out and look around

Natsu: Taylor!

Taylor turns her head and smiles

Taylor: Natsu!

Wyveon: Veon!

Taylor and Wyveon run. Tigra jumps down from Natsu's shoulder and jumps into Taylor's arms who hugs it

Taylor: Look you! Still a cutie!

Astrid, Mike, Diego, Millie, Sky, and Courtney jump off the bus

Astrid, Mike, Diego, Millie, Sky, Courtney: Hey!

Natsu: Hey everyone! And Courtney.

Courtney: That's fair I guess.

They walk over to Natsu and Taylor. Tenka jumps out of the bus, and sees Natsu

Tenka: Brother!

Tenka jumps over everyone and lands in front of Natsu

Natsu: Good to see you too.

Kari gets off the bus and nods

Kari: Glad to see our battle helped you.

Natsu: Thanks.

Kari moves and Clair and Mick get off the bus

Clair: You made it!

Mick: I'm gonna make the biggest meal of all time!

Natsu: Save the biggest meal of all time for when I win!

Gwen and Nate get off the bus. Gwen runs to Natsu and hugs him

Gwen: I am so proud of you, my little red headed baby boy of perfection!

Natsu: Mom you're embarrassing me! Stop it!

Nate walks over

Nate: It's her job to embarrass you.

Ryuko and Renza get off the bus

Ryuko: Yo!

Renza: Congratulations on making it.

Natsu: Thanks. I'm so glad you could all make it here.

Astrid: You kidding me? We wouldn't miss this for anything.

Mike: Astrid yelled at the pilot to speed the plane up.

Diego: It was a little funny.

Millie: Yeah.

Courtney: Can we do what we said we were going to do?

Natsu: Yeah! Let's get training! Let's go everyone!

Natsu's Pokémon roar

"In the park"

Tigra and Nate's Raichu battle with Iron Tail. Lucario fights with Gwen's Scizor, Mike's Metagross, and Diego's Zoroark. Warzox fights with Nate's Gengar, and Sirfetch'd. Weavile fights with Diego's Incineroar, and Astrid's Blastoise, along with Sky's Blaziken. Noivern battles with Clair's Haxorus, Dragonite, and Taylor's Wyveon. Silvally trains with Lizzie

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