Chapter 56: Alola To More Family!

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Nathan pov

Me and Lindsey had just landed in Alola, and waiting outside for our taxi

That was a boring flight. Lindsey said, Cyndaquil on her shoulder

Really? I fell asleep on that flight. I said, looking at her

I can't sleep on a plane. You know I'm a nervous flyer. Lindsey said, glaring at me

Bun. Scorbunny growled at her

Quil. Cyndaquil growled back

Why don't we have a battle? Fire type style? I asked

Bring it on, there's a battlefield across the street. Lindsey said

Lets do it. I replied, and we crossed the street

"Now on the battlefield"

Scorbunny/Cyndaquil, lets go! Me and Lindsey yelled at the same time, and our pokemon jumped onto the field

Use Flame Wheel! Lindsey yelled

Use Double Kick! I yelled

Cyndaquil rolled at Scorbunny in a wheel of fire, and Scorbunny's first kick pushed it back, then the second one slammed it down

Use Quick Attack! I yelled

Scorbunny hit Cyndaquil back further

Use Swift! Lindsey yelled

Cyndaquil stood on its back legs, and fired stars from its mouth

Run away from it with Quick Attack! I yelled

Scorbunny started running around the field, the stars still chasing it

Now charge at Cyndaquil, and get behind it! I yelled

Scorbunny ran to Cynadquil, jumped over it, and the Swift hit, making grey dust rise

Cyndaquil use Reversal! Lindsey yelled

The grey dust vanished, and Cyndaquil was now holding Scorbunny

Scorrbunny use Double Kick! I yelled, but it failed

Now throw it! Lindsey yelled

Cyndaquil jumped, then spinned, and threw Scorbunny at the ground

Scor. Scorbunny said in pain, laying on its side

Scorbunny are you ok? I asked it

Scorbun. Scorbunny said, and got back up slowly

Alright then. Use Quick Attack! I yelled

Use Flame Wheel! Lindsey yelled

Cyndaquil rolled up and engulfed its body in fire, then rolled at Scorbunny who was running at it

Go! Me and Lindsey yelled

The two attacks collided, making grey dust surround them

Scorbunny! I yelled with worry

Cyndaquil! Lindsey with worry as well

The dust settled down

Scor. Scorbunny said, laying on its stomach on the ground

Quil. Cyndaquil said, also laying on its stomach

Looks like it's a draw. Lindsey said

Yup. I replied, then we walked up to our pokemon, and put them on our shoulders

That battle was marvelous. A voice said, followed by clapping

Who are you? I asked, looking at a teenager with a pokemon by his side

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