Chapter 73: The Crown Tundra!

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"In a house in Freezington"

Nate and Gwen sit at a table with blankets around them, cups of hot chocolate in their hands

Gwen: The weather woman lied to us saying that Freezinton would be sunny.

Nate: At least the old lady living in this house let us in to warm up, and our pokémon love her homemade pokémon food.

Gwen: The hot chocolate is good, too.

Gwen and Nate take sips from their cups

Nate: Yup.

The old woman, who's name is Ria walks in with a big bowl of berries, and places it infront of the pokémon

Ria: You kids shouldn't have been out there. You and your pokémon could've all froze to death.

Nate: We know that but we came all the way out here to find someone.

Ria: Would it happen to be the person who walked through town without buying anything?

Nate: When was this?

Ria: About one hour I found you two outside.

Nate: Gwen lets go.

Nate puts the cup down on the table, gets his pokémon back in their balls, gets his jacket on, and runs outside through the snow

Gwen: Nate! What are you doing!?

Nate: Come on!

Gwen chases after him

"Half hour later"

Nate: Monferno, Flamethrower!

Monferno: Ferno!

Monferno makes a path through the snow covered ground with Flamethrower. Nate, Gwen, and Monferno run along the path, Monferno uses Flamethrower more and more to make the path longer

Gwen: Nate, we shouldn't be out here!

Nate: Ria said someone walked into town and immidietly left! If this person is my dad, I just have to take that chance!

Gwen: We'll freeze out here before we see anyone!

Monferno falls onto the ground, its tail flame goes out, and Nate picks it up

Nate: Monferno! Hang on!

Gwen: We are so screwed!

Nate opens his jacket, and puts Monferno in it

Nate: Hang on, pal. Just hang on.

Nate falls forward, and Gwen does the same. Snow fall gets heavier, and covers their bodies. A shadow and one larger shadow stands over them

???: Idiots.

"Hours later, in a cave with a came fire"

Nate and Gwen sit up

Nate: Where are we?

Gwen: What happened?

???: You two owe me your lives.

Nate and Gwen turn their heads and see a boy leaning against the wall

Nate: Who are you?

Nate: Who are you?

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