Chapter 130: Wild Dragon Day!

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"In Gara Laboratory meeting room"

Natsu and Gio look the holdeck showing three Pokémon

Natsu: What are we looking at?

Gio: Are they Dragon types?

Professor Gara: Correct. These are the Oblivian Gible, Gabite, and Garchomp.

 These are the Oblivian Gible, Gabite, and Garchomp

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Natsu aims his Pokedéx at Gible

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Natsu aims his Pokedéx at Gible

Pokedéx: Gible, the Land Shark Pokémon. Oblivan Form, a Dragon type. Gible of Oblivia live on beaches with their head fins sticking out of the sand. They use their fins when buried in the sand to sense its surroundings.

Gio aims his Pokedéx at Gabite

Pokedéx: Gabite, the Sand Shark Pokémon. Oblivan Form, a Dragon type, and the evolved form of Gible. Gabite of Oblivia live near Gible packs, and love sun bathing.

Natsu: Now for Garchomp.

Natsu aims his Pokedéx at Garchomp

Pokedéx: Garchomp, the Sand Dragon Pokémon. Oblivan Form, a Dragon type, and the final evolved form of Gible. These Garchomp are ferocious. They act as leaders of Gible and Gabite groups. When a Gabite evolves it will be challenged for the role of pack leader, if it loses it must leave to find another pack, if it wins, the loser must leave.

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