Chapter 94: Elite Four Battle Royal!

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"In the Lumiose Conference"

Natsu, Taylor, Millie, Diego, Mike, and Sky sit in the middle row of the packed arena

Taylor: This is gonna be so cool!

Natsu: My dad told me about this event when I was little. The Elite Four of every region has the right to challenge the World Champion to a title match, but to decide who battles they host a battle royal. This year its the Kalos Regions turn.

Mike: This should be fun.

Diego: A battle between the regions top ranked trainers.

Sky: I can't wait!

Millie: You guys are loud.

Announcer: Hello boys and girls! I hope you're excited, because I sure am!

The crowd cheers

Announcer: This battle will be broadcasted live around the world. The winner will have a title match against the world champion, and so no other members of the Masters Eight will be aloud to challenge Nate. Let's get things started!

The crowd cheers even louder

Announcer: First up, a master of fists, and brute force... Razer Rowen!

Razer runs onto his platform

Rzaer: Aaah! This battle is mine!

Rzaer: Aaah! This battle is mine!

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The fans cheer

Announcer: Next up, a woman who loves grass, and blows in the wind like it...Diana Lizo!

Diana walks onto her platform

Diana walks onto her platform

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Diana: Sigh... I'm bored already.

The fans clap

Natsu: I'm guessing she isn't all that popular?

Taylor: Not really. She doesn't make all that many appearances unless challenged by a high ranking trainer.

Diego: She only battles those that look strong, and ignores the ones she considers weak.

Natsu: Harsh.

Announcer: Time for the next trainer! You know her! You love her! It's the famous movie star and fashion model.... Luna Rock!

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