Chapter 161: Natsu Vs Benji! Ultra Class Battle!

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"In Wyndon"

Natsu, Gio, Alex, and Lizzie walk around the city. Dango in their mouths

Natsu: This is the best stuff!

Gio: It's so sweet.

Alex: It's average.

Lizzie nods

Natsu: We'll find something you'll like eventually.

Alex: Doubtful.

???: Well well well. Look what the Meowth dragged in.

They all turn around and see Benji

They all turn around and see Benji

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Natsu: Benji Onzo.

Benji: Natsu Winters. Hope you're ready for me to crush infront of the entire world.

Natsu: Diego beat you. So I can do the same.

Benji: I can't wait to see you try. Who's the scar girl?

Alex: Natsu, you were right. He is a jerk.

Benji's eyes glow and stop

Benji: Oh great. Another Winters freak.

Natsu: Leave her out of this.

Benji: You Winters are all freaks. In her case, it's both inside and out.

Lizzie: Rio!

Alex: Easy girl.

Benji: I'm out of here.

Benji walks away

Natsu: Just you wait! I'm gonna beat you!

Gio: Pokéball go!

Gio throws a Pokéball and catches a Gossifleur

Natsu: Dude, seriously?

Gio: What? It's what I like to do.

Natsu: Hmph.

"One hour later, at the stadium"

Announcer: Welcome one and all to this Ultra Class battle! Today we have two Trainers who each have two straight wins. Currently ranked 26, and the son to the sixth ranked Trainer in the Masters Eight Tatsumi Onzo, Benji Onzo!

Benji stands on his side of the battlefield wearing a Dynamax Band, the crowd cheers

Announcer: And his opponent! Currently ranked 36, son to former World Champion Nate Winters! Natsu Winters!

Natsu stands his side of the battlefield wearing his Dynamax Band, Tigra standing next to him

Rotom Drone: Each Trainer will be allowed the use of one Pokémon, the battle will be over when one Pokémon from either side can no longer continue. Battle start!

Natsu: Weavile, let's go!

Natsu lets Weavile out

Weavile: Vile!

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