Chapter 79: Cipher City!

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Nate and Lycanroc get off the train and look out the window of a tall building that is also the train station

Nate and Lycanroc get off the train and look out the window of a tall building that is also the train station

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Nate: It's so cool!

Man: First time in Cipher City?

Nate: Yup. I just came in from Jewel City.

Man: I see. Well, good luck here. You'll need it.

The man walks off

Nate: Lycanroc, this is where we'll get stronger.

Lycanroc: Roc.

Nate: I can't wait to battle someone here. Don't you feel the same?

Nate turns his head and see Lycanroc has fall asleep standing up

Nate: Return.

Nate gets Lycanroc back in its pokeball, and makes his way for the escalator

"In a random part of the city"

???: This will be fun. We should go for ice cream on the corner of Carmichael Street after the mall. Don't ya think, Rebecca?

Rebecca: I already have to live with you everyday at home. Even there you're annoying. Also, Crystal, me and my friends were supposed to go shopping. You just tagged along with us. But ice cream does sound good.

Crystal: That's what makes it fun. Connie, Song, don't two you agree?

Connie: Personally, I do think it will fun.

Song: Agreed.

Rebecca: There is just no getting through to you both.

"With Nate"

Nate climbs up onto a water tower, puts his bag down to his feet, and takes a nap ontop of it

"Hours later, under a bridge"

Crystal: You guys still up for ice cream?

Song and Connie: Yup.

Rebecca: Why not?

A group of boys a few years older them, wearing baggy clothes, surround them

Boy 1: Why don't you either hand us everything you bought with the receipts, and your wallets, and no one has to get hurt.

Song: Rebecca please tell me you have your pokémon with you.

Rebecca: You know it won't battle unless it wants to, and it doesn't come out of its ball until it's to eat, and use the bathroom. But, no, I don't have it with me.

Connie: I don't have mine either.

Crystal: Yeah, same.

Boy 2: We ain't gonna ask again. So hand them over.

They all pull out pokeballs, and let out Warzoxs

Boy 3: We'll give you to the count of three, or we'll do it by force.

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