Chapter 144: A Day With Mom!

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"In Natsu and Gio's room"

Natsu sleeps sprawled out on his bed with Tigra on his stomach. Gio, Cresilix, and Grookey wake up and sit up

Gio: Morning Cresilix.

Cresilix smiles

Cresilix: Cres.

Gio: Good morning Grookey.

Grookey: Key!

Gio: Morning, Natsu.

Natsu and Tigra snore

Gio: Of course.

A good fills the air

Gio: What's that smell?

Grookey: Key...

Cresilix: Cresil, Cresil.

Gio: Natsu wake up.

Gio and his Pokémon climb down from their bed. Gio pushes Natsu's shoulder

Gio: Wake up.

Tigra wakes up

Tigra: Gra?

Gio: Tigra wake Natsu up please.

Tigra nods

Tigra: Ti....gra!

Tigra uses Thunderbolt and wakes Natsu up

Natsu: Ow....why?

Gio: Don't you smell that?

Natsu and Tigra smell the air

Natsu: Breakfast is probably ready.

Natsu gets out of bed, Tigra gets on his shoulder

Gio: Well come on.

"In the kitchen"

Natsu: What the?

Gio: Am I dreaming?

A large amount of pancakes, french toast, donuts, and bowls of mixed fruit sit on the counter

Natsu: Did Professor Gara call delivery? Or did Kris make this?

Gio: No way they did this.

Gwen steps out from behind the counter

Gwen: Morning boys.

Natsu: Mom!? What are you doing here?

Professor Gara walks in

Professor Gara: She stopped by to see you, Natsu. But when she saw you were still asleep she asked if she could use the kitchen.

Blake walks in

Blake: What the?

Gio: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?

Blake: Teachers are in a meeting today, so I have the day off.

Gwen: I made plenty, and a lot for the Pokémon. So dig in.

Natsu: I have to get my Pokémon, I'll be right back.

Natsu steps out

Gio: Infernape, come out.

Gio lets Infernape out

Infernape: Nape.

Blake: Eevee, come out.

Blake lets Eevee out

Eevee: Vee!

Gwen: An Eevee, and you are so cute!

Eevee wags its tail

Eevee: Vee!

Gwen: Unbreon, come on out.

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