Chapter 81: Battle To The Top!

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"In a warehouse in Jewel City"

Omega punches a sand bag that's chained to the ceiling, his Dragonite jabbing a metal cylinder chained from the ceiling. The doors open behind them as they continue to hit their training objects, a boy enters

Omega: Striker Fire, I assume?

Striker: So you do have eyes in the back of your head.

Omega: What did you come here for!?

Omega and Dragonite punch their training objects into the walls, and face Striker

Striker: I heard you subbed for my team, and beat Rina.

Omega laughs

Omega: She barely put up a fight, too!

Striker: Looks like you've improved.

Omega: What are you getting at?

Striker: You should be able to tell. I'm better than ever.

Omega: Are you saying things have changed since your last World Championship tournament when my father was in the rankings?

Striker: Oh, yeah, and it's been very fun.

Striker pulls out a pokeball and lets Urshifu out. A figure holds their phone out and begins recording

Omega: I don't think of this as fun.

Striker: Wicked Blow!

Omega: Dragon Claw!

Urshifu punches Dragonite in the face, Dragonites claws jabbed into Urshifus cheek. They thrust their arms more and knock eachother into the walls behind their trainers

Striker: I guess you have improved, and your pokémon packs a punch.

Omega: Up for a do over?

Striker: Sure.

Omega: Dragon Claw!

Striker: Wicked Blow!

They collide again, and hit eachother back into the walls. This continues more and more

"At he battle park in Cipher City"

Nate: Mach Punch, and Crush Claw!

Lycanrocs claws and Infernapes fist clash, and the two jump back

Nate: Flamethrower and Snarl!

Lycanroc launches Snarl from its mouth, and meets Infernapes Flamethrower in the middle of where they stand, the two attacks explode

Crystal: You've been doing this for an hour and a half. Take a break.

Nate: We're just fine.

Lycanroc and Infernape take heavy breaths

Rebecca: They're both exhausted.

Nate: We have to go past our limits. Snarl and Flamethrower again!

Lycanroc and Infernape fall onto their knees

Crystal: Just because you lost to one trainer doesn't mean you have to push your pokémons limits to the point of exhaustion.

Nate: We have to get stronger. I never want to lose again.

Watch: You have a call from Akira. You have a call from Akira.

Nate holds his arm out and answers the video call.

Nate: I'm a little busy here.

Akira: You're gonna want to see this, the rest of the team and I already watched it. It's a little shocking.

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