Chapter 66: A Friendly Match!

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"In the mess hall, two weeks later"

Shibishi stands infront of the exit, the trainers looking at her with curiosity

Shibishi: Good morning, everyone. I hope you all slept well.

Trainers: Good morning, ma'am.

Shibishi: The Veilstone City Iron Fists have asked us to fly down there for a friendly match. It will be three trainers on each team, the first team to win the three battles wins.

Gwen: Um why?

Shibishi: This is to see how a team outside of Oblivia battles. The one rule they have given us is that none of the trainers for this team can use fusion, they made that very clear.

Striker: So who's battling?

Shibishi: You, Nate, and Gwen.

Gwen: What!? You're pairing me up the newbie!?

Nate: Yeah same question as her.

Shibishi: The new owner of the Iron Fists requested that I put you two on the team for the match, the Iron Fists got two new members that know Gwen, and you Nate.

Gwen: When do we leave?

Shibishi: The private jet will be ready in one hour, we leave when the match is over.

Nate: Do I have to battle?

Striker: Same question, I don't like wasting my pokémons strength on weaklings.

Shibishi: Striker, I don't care, you are battling. Nate, unless you want to be kicked off the team, you will battle.

Nate: I retract my question.

Shibishi: Good answer. Each trainer will also have three pokémon, the matches are one on one, when one of either team members pokémon is unable to battle, they can't be used again, only if that pokémon wins.

Nate: So who are the trainers we'll be battling?

Shibishi: The captain for the Iron Fists in this match is named Ryuki Standall.

Nate: Why does that name sound familiar?

Shibishi: He's the son of Tom Standall, a former member of the Mighty Vermillions, and he's the son to the professor of Santalune City. His uncle is the gym leader of the Veilstone Gym.

Striker: I'm only bringing Urshifu, my other pokémon can stay here.

Shibishi: Striker, I'm telling you to bring three.

Striker: Fine.

Nate: So I'm up against an old friend huh? Bring it on!

Gwen: Keep it down! Who on the team knows me?

Shibishi: That would be your brother Sai.

Gwen: Of course it'd have to be him.

Nate: Wait, your brother is Sai?

Gwen: He's my older twin brother by five minutes.

Nate: I'm battling him first. He beat me when I first arrived in the city.

Gwen: He's mine to beat! But out!

Nate: Make me!

Shibishi: That's enough! Striker, Nate, Gwen, start packing.

Nate/Gwen: Yes, ma'am!

Striker: Whatever.

"In Veilstone city"

Nate: Wow! It's so big!

Gwen: It's a city! Of course it's big!

Striker: Children.

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