Chapter 142: Fighting With Chivalry!

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"In Gara Fields"

Natsu: Use Night Slash!

Weavile and Foxsye both use Night Slash on each other

Natsu: Use Fury Cutter, and Ice Punch!

Fury Cutter and Ice Punch clash

Gio: Infernape, use Fire Punch!

Natsu: Block it with Night Slash!

Weavile blocks Infernape's Fire Punch with its free paw, and Foxsye blocks the other first with its foot. The three separate and smirk

Professor Gara: Natsu, Gio! You two have a minute?

Natsu and Gio turn around and see Professor Gara walking over

Natsu: What's up?

Gio: Everything okay?

Professor Gara: I just thought you two would be interested in this place.

Professor Gara shows them her tablet

Natsu: "The Dojo Of Chivalry."

Gio: "All Trainers and Pokémon who wish to find their true strength are welcome."

Natsu: It's in the Oblivia Region, and we can train with one of their Elite Four.

Gio: Says his name is Argo. Hey aren't the Elite Four the strongest Trainers in their respective regions?

Natsu: Sure are. They're really tough.

Gio: It says here Argo specializes in Steel types. Hopefully there will be some wild Steel types near by.

Natsu: Then let's go! Foxsye, what do you say?

Foxsye nods. Scyther flies over

Scyther: Scy!

Gio: You want to come too?

Scyther: Scy!

Gio: Well I haven't really been bringing you along with us. Okay, let's go!

Tigra: Gra....

"In Oblivia, near the Dojo Of Chivalry"

Gio: Pokéball go!

Gio throws a Pokéball at a Pokémon, and catches it

Pokedéx: Spirot has been registered to your Pokedéx! Spirot, the Spirit Pokémon

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Pokedéx: Spirot has been registered to your Pokedéx! Spirot, the Spirit Pokémon. A Ground and Ghost type. It is believed these Pokémon are the spirits of people who passed in the wild west of Oblivia. Their hats contain spiritual energy.

Gio: First catch of the day!

Natsu: There are two Pokémon over here!

Gio: Pokéballs go!

Gio throws two Pokéballs

Pokedéx: Diglett and Dugtrio have been registered to your Pokedéx!

Gio: Double catch, yeah!

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