Chapter 54: Galar! a Wild And Bumpy Ride!

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Sora pov

I was in my jersey, dynamax band on my right wrist, and walking down the hall to the field. Weavile on my shoulder, Raichu in his pokeball, Eevee and Toxel were somewhere in the audience

Greetings fans! This will be a two on two battle, and only the challenger may substitute pokemon! This battle has no time limit either! A Rotom drone yelled, as me and the gym leader took our spots on the field, the audience cheering louder

I understand this is your first gym battle here in Galar, right? The gym leader asked

Yeah. I've come all the way from Kanto. I replied

Nice to meet you. The names the Milo. The gym leader said

Sora. I replied

Please bring out your pokemon! The drone yelled

Breloom, lets go! Milo yelled, and threw an Ultra ball

Brel! A Breloom cheered, and waved at the crowd who cheered

A Breloom huh? I said, and took out my phone

Breloom, the mushroom pokemon, a grass and fighting type. The seeds ringing Breloom's tail are made of hardened toxic spores. It is horrible to eat the seeds. Just taking a bite its seeds will cause your stomach to rumble. My phone said, and I put it away

Raichu, lets go! I yelled, and threw my first ball

Rai! Raichu roared, and started smacking the ground with his tail

Battle start! The drone yelled

Use Leach Seed! Milo yelled

Breloom fired some seeds from its mouth, that wrapped around Raichu

Rai! Raichu roared, and tried pulling them off

Use Iron Tail! I yelled

Raichu turned his attention away from the Leach Seed, his tail turned silver, then he ran at Breloom, and hit it in thw face

Drain Punch! Milo yelled

Brelooms fists started glowing orange, then it punched Raichu in the face and stomach, pushing him back

Rai! Raichu cried in pain, then fell on his back and quickly got back up

Raichu are you ok? I asked

Rai! Raichu growled, and a small green ball of light came from the seed around Raichu, and went to Breloom

Bre. Breloom said, and became relaxed

Rai. Raichu said, and fell face first

Raichu no! I yelled with worry

Raichu is unable to battle, Breloom wins! The drone yelled, as the audience cheered

Raichu, take a good rest. Thank you. I said, and got him back in his ball

So, will you send Weavile out next, or a different pokemon? Milo asked

Weavile, lets go! I yelled, holding my arm out infront of me, then Weavile ran on it, and jumped off, landing on the field

Weavile! Weavile roared

Breloom, Drain Punch! Milo yelled

Dodge, and use Metal Claw! I yelled

Breloom missed, and Weavile hit its throat, wedging it into the ground

Bre. Breloom said, laying on its back

Breloom is unable to battle, Weavile wins! The drone yelled

Breloom, return. Leafeon, lets go! Milo yelled, after getting Breloom back in its ball, and threw an Ultra ball

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